This is the bike that brought me to Rat Rod Bikes. Found it in a dusty garage sale last summer and went searching the net for info. I found it here and never left. This is a 1936 CWC built Hawthorne. 1936 was the first year of the Flash Gordon serials at the movies, the beginning of Atom Punk. So for BONINE, my first Big Build Off, I thought it fitting to rebuild this cruiser. It features a layered plexiglass tank with vacuum tubes (state of the art in 1936) and brass guards fabbed from cymbals. The drive train is all original down to the Allstate rear tire. The bare metal frame is protected with Minwax walnut, the fork and trusses are original too. Its a rider, so the seat sits high and the bars were stretched. The crossbar was missing and replaced with heavy gauge copper tubing. I recovered the seat in green leather and used the best green grips you can get on the bars. Extended the rear dropouts, used an inch and 3/8th front tire, added a rack and a bell, along with a led modded Delta Winner light and copper and brass bits here and there...
from long ago and a galaxy far away...
Little Neutrino
from long ago and a galaxy far away...
Little Neutrino

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