Live in Tennessee, want to be in a bike show?

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Feb 3, 2008
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
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Hey everyone, gaskill here. I'm working on a bicycle show that will take place in July of 09. The idea is to show the bicycle as fine art. Where people have used their bicycles as a blank canvas for creativity. The show will take place in Woodbury, Tennessee at the Woodbury Center for the Arts. The space is pretty big and i'm looking for submissions for the show. So if you live in Tennessee and you want to be apart of the show let me know. -gaskill
how about Atlanta?
well the show co exist with a bigger show, Tennessee cultural history. so i'm trying to keep it limited to tennessee based bicycles. But if this show goes well i might try to do a southern bicycle show. what do you think? i think if anybody knows about rat and rust its us southerners!
Gaskill -

I might not have much bicycle art to submit, but would be interested in checking out the show. Keep me posted. Thanks Tyler
hey tyler, i think you might have gotten the wrong idea, its not bicycle art, well i guess there could be some. its a bicycle show. i'm trying to show bicycles as art. to me a bicycle is a sculpture and i want to show that. so if you live in tennessee and have a cool bike let me know and we'll see about putting it in a show.