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Re: Todays Ride (Coronado Heights)

aka_locojoe said:
With just a few additions, we could make that place completely Zombie proof. 8)
Re: Todays Ride (Little Sweden to Coronado Heights)

Thanks for the comments. Oh and just to show I haven't abandoned the ratrods for the hybrid... here's a photo from a ride last Thursday eve

Re: Todays Ride (Texas)

Took a long weekend and road trip to Texas to ride. Snow flurries when we left here. A miserable high of 83 there. Like everything else the sun must be bigger in Texas too. Luckily it didn't get hot till the very end of the ride. Was a great trail and ride.

Video here

Spotted this ratrod at a restaurant while there.
Re: Todays Ride (Texas)

That is great that you and Nova are enjoying all these railtrails. The "Castle" in KS is pretty unique.
Re: Todays Ride (Texas)

Great video as always Randy. :D

Oddly enough, we were at my brother-in-law's house in Weatherford yesterday for a birthday party.

It was a windy weekend here so yall must have had in interesting ride at times.
Re: Todays Ride (Texas)

Thanks guys.
Steve... we rode on Saturday which was fairly windy. Never actually made it in to Weatherford just the
Weatherford trail-head. Don't even know how close to town it is.
The original plan was to go into Fort Worth Sunday and ride the Trinity trail system. I got a little too much sun Saturday plus the forecast for Sunday looked like more wind and possible rain so we just headed home instead. That'll be a trip for next winter.

And just in case it's misleading... that castle wasn't built by Coronado. It was erected in the 1930s when they turned the hill into a park. Inside there are stone picnic tables and a look out on the roof.

Again thanks to everyone for checking out our rides and goofy videos glad you enjoy them.
Re: Todays Ride (Boys are back in town)


My bicycle buddies (Grandsons) along with their Mother and Sister have moved back home after their 2.5 year Alaska adventure. yesterday the boys, Great Grandpa and I went for a 5 mile ride.
Re: Todays Ride (sunset on the Prairie Sunset)

Went out and rode our local rail-to-trail this evening.




Re: Todays Ride (Salt City)

Had plans to go to Nebraska and ride but that was changed due to flooding there. Not sure where we're going now but in the mean time we took a trip to a near by city to ride with our Daughter. Video here.
Re: Todays Ride (VW Show)

Today we went for a 31 mile ride on paths in the city. Temp was around 100 degrees (Fahrenheit). We also stopped to check out a VW show which can be seen here

10:45am beer break

Restoring a 1920s historic hotel on the river.

Man fishing in the nasty old river

People swimming in the nasty old river

Historical signage along path

Taking a break
Re: Todays Ride (Fathers Day)

Late on this one...
For Fathers day we took my 77 year old Father out to ride 17 miles on our local rail-to-trail.



Re: Todays Ride (Fathers Day & VW Show)

Nice rides!

I did hear about the VW show... yesterday. I was gonna try to make it, but had a few things come up.
Re: Todays Ride

"Why did you have to stop?"
"To scratch." :lol: :lol: :lol: On his way to manhood! :wink:
Great video and I'm impressed a 9 yr. old made it that far! :shock:
Re: Todays Ride (9-11)

Thanks for the comment Stepchild.

To acknowledge the significance of today I decided to ride around admiring our nations flag at various locations in town. The flags of course at half mast.

Re: Todays Ride

Rode to play some football with Grand-kids and then I went riding in search of some fall color.



Re: Todays Ride (Local rail-to-trail)

Off work today so I went for a ride on the local rail-to-trail. Chilly and windy.


