LocoJoe's Recent Rides

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Re: LocoJoe's Most Recent Ride (Daughter & Boyfriend)

Thanks Jerry. No I'm still using my same camera (Panasonic ZS20) that has dirt inside the lens arghhh! I really like the camera though.

Built a bike for my Daughter's boyfriend. Gave it to him today. Me, him and my Daughter went for a ride before he took the bike home.

Re: LocoJoe's Most Recent Ride (Grand-daughter)

Went riding with the Grand-daughter today about 13 miles. Last night we rode with her 5 miles.



Re: LocoJoe's Most Recent Ride (with Club & RRBers)

Our club had another ride today. ironhorse, 450redrider, 65rat and myself were the RRBers.

65rat on his Beast. 450redrider behind him not on his Beast. He broke it earlier in the ride and had to switch bikes.


Mrs Locojoe
Re: LocoJoe's Most Recent Ride (with Club & RRBers)

aka_locojoe said:
450redrider behind him not on his Beast. He broke it earlier in the ride and had to switch bikes.

Not possible. Can't break a Beast. Please fact check before posting. :wink:
Re: LocoJoe's Most Recent Ride (with Club & RRBers)

yoothgeye said:
aka_locojoe said:
450redrider behind him not on his Beast. He broke it earlier in the ride and had to switch bikes.

Not possible. Can't break a Beast. Please fact check before posting. :wink:

Actually they both broke. 65rat's crank arm came off but he fixed it. 450redrider's chain snapped a link.
Re: LocoJoe's Most Recent Ride (with Grand-Daughter)

mine was un-rideable right out of the box... dunno if that is "broken" or not! :D
Re: LocoJoe's Most Recent Ride (Family Clown Bike)

Looks like you guys were having a lot of fun on the clown bike. Speaking of fun, I bet everyone had a great time at Mid-west bike fest, I wish we (wife & I ) could of come down.

Re: LocoJoe's Most Recent Ride (Family Clown Bike)

Don we missed all of you this year.

Saturday night we had a group ride "Sunset on the Prairie Sunset" on our local rail-to-trail. mazdaflyer, 65rat, ratfink1962 and myself being the RRBers.



Just some of the group.
Re: LocoJoe's Most Recent Ride (West Coast)

Thanks Steve. I've got a lot of catching up to do here.

We've been out West getting in some rides the past couple of weeks. First was the beaches of Southern California. Here's a video... http://youtu.be/46xUze_PmW4
Re: LocoJoe's Most Recent Ride (Family Clown Bike)

Nice video Randy...looks like lots of beach riding!!! :D
Re: LocoJoe's Most Recent Ride (Monterey Bay)

i love the compass ball inside the dingy bell. my granddaddy had a compass ball on the dash of his chrysler cordoba, and i thought it was the coolest thing.
Re: LocoJoe's Most Recent Ride (Hoover Dam & Candy Mountain)

Thanks guys. Compass comes in handy. Hadn't heard Cordoba in a while. A good friend used to drive one many years ago.

Last 2 videos from our trip...

Ride to Hoover dam http://youtu.be/Ic7R9WmFD4k

Candy Mountain Express in Utah http://youtu.be/dbuFrRCub7U

And here's a few photos from all the rides...



Hoover dam


Monterey Bay


Southern California

