looking for members my age?

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when i was your age, we had to get off the couch to change tv stations! our remote was a pipe wrench on the antenae pole!
Double Nickle said:
I'm 16 and I feel out of place sometimes here with a bunch of old timers(20+)...no offence old timers anyone else my age?????

I've got a granddaughter your age, you little whipper-snapper, you...
Man, to know what I know now and be 16? Gheez! I'd give my left nut to be 16.

Look, you're dad is going to start losing his mind soon. Going to become a little senile. Bear with him. When you get to be about 24-25, he'll start to come around. Next thing you know, he'll be one of the smartest men you will ever know. It takes time, and a little patience, but I promise you he will be alright.

"Look, you're dad is going to start losing his mind soon. Going to become a little senile. Bear with him. When you get to be about 24-25, he'll start to come around. Next thing you know, he'll be one of the smartest men you will ever know."

I couldn't have written it better myself.
My son is 15 , he has a build he started a while back, had plans on finishing it soon, then he got a phone,girlfriend (just friends as she can't date yet) but 9 hrs texting her one day :shock: . maybe he will finish it next year :roll:
Social Reject said:
I have clothes that's older than you. My favorite leather jacket is around 20 years old now. I got it when I was about 17.

I'm 36. YESTERDAY I was 16. It sounds cliche, but YES it does go that fast.

Let me save you a lot of heartache: Don't touch alcohol or drugs. Don't do things to destroy your health. Don't lie to your loved ones. Don't accept lies from your loved ones. Don't put your trust in material things. These are just a few of the hard lessons I've learned in the 20 short years between your age and mine.

The most important lesson I've learned is that God exists.

Another lesson I've learned is that bicycles are the perfect form of transportation.....at least as far as one's health and happiness are concerned. Riding a bicycle allows one to experience this beautiful world in ways that other forms of transportation do not. It's a good thing. Of course you already know that.

I suppose I knew it too at 16, but then I forgot for 20 years.

Sorry for the rambling....OLD men sometimes do that. :mrgreen:
Man...I wish someone would've kicked my in the willies and told me that when I was 16...
(I'll be 33 in August :? )
big john said:
Man, to know what I know now and be 16? Gheez! I'd give my left nut to be 16.

Look, you're dad is going to start losing his mind soon. Going to become a little senile. Bear with him. When you get to be about 24-25, he'll start to come around. Next thing you know, he'll be one of the smartest men you will ever know. It takes time, and a little patience, but I promise you he will be alright.


Quoted for truth. I have realised that 99% of what he told me was actually dead on.
I'm 39 and living the "Parental Curse" , two daughters and the youngest is just as wild as I was, I hope she calms down before high school.

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