That stance is just perf !! :shock:
if i understand , the frame will be chrome/polished steal ? and polishing the tubes before welding is easier then do it after ?
I'm betting its all aluminum tubing with the polishing. Looks like once its all
heilarced together , you go back and polish the welds and you have a real shiny bike.
That would be my guess. Its going to be an outstanding bike however its done.
This is what happens when someone with real fab skills decides he wants to scratch
build a bike. I'm defiantly in awe, and extremely envious.
To answer OneHorsePower questions about the frame the whole bicycle will be aluminum. I am trying to keep it as lite as possible. It is better to polish all the pieces apart as Uncle Stretch was saying because it is easier on my arms. Then I will go back an polish the welds.