Here it is; finally over!
After all the troubles and tryouts for the name plate, I finally did something worth of staying on the bike; found a most similar aerosol matte green paint, used glossy paper that was left over the second atempt with the paper stickers (paper was originaly sitcked to it) and a light coat of white aerosol paint. It got smuged just enough to give it authenticity (in my head), and that was it-attempt #3 stays on, angle grinder stays off.
Found a back reflector light from a military truck, painted the frame green, cleaned the red reflector lens and sticked some red vinyl over it to give it a more fresh look.
First photoshoot was in my back yard and I was satisfied with the pics; here they are.
But I didn't think they are worthy BOTEN (I learned what that acronym means

) finished bike thread, so I went for a ride to a remote place where the background is better. I set out rather late, so I was in a hurry to get there before the sun goes down. Bike rides smooth, everything works perfect but I was nervous because it was slower than my regular touring bike, I couldn't use all my leg power so I was feeling like I'm wasting time and energy thinking it would have been better if I just put the bike in the car and drove it there...not relaxed at all, all sweaty and grunting all the way.
I made it to the last 15 minutes of sunlight, made a few pics which you can see in my finished M*A*S*H 4077th thread, sat for a while just looking at it while the sun was going down on us and then it began to all make sense to me...
On my way home I catched a slow pace, brought the speed down and after a few minutes I realised what this bike is all about-peacefullness!
I started building it as a blow-off valve from work, to get me calm and relaxed and because it was built in that manner, that's the spirit it reflects in itself and it must be ridden like that because otherwise it just doesn't work; if you find your pace in pedal turning and adjust your mental pace to it there are no climbs, no downhills, no chill wind or sweat on your forehead-just a straight flat road ahead and a smile on your face.
I never got to the end of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance but now I believe I could write the ending myself. At first I chose the theme of the bike, MASH 4077, as a tribute to one of the greatest tv shows I have ever seen, but now I'm starting to believe that it also had a lot with the spirit of the bike. Hawkeye said "if we don't go crazy once in a while, we'll all go crazy!", reffering to the horrors of the war which endanger the sanity of men and can only be balanced with going to another extreme to find some equilibrium there; that's the way with this bike-the faster you go without it, te slower you must ride it to keep the things straight.
Well, Hawkeye also said "if you want sanity, you can have mine. God knows I'm not using it", so maybe I'm just jabbering...who knows?!