So yesterday I am out in the garage working on my Firestone and I was looking at the take off wheels. The bike had a really nice Bendix red band hub, but the rims are not I decided to try my hand at tearing a wheel apart and rebuilding a hub. Granted it was only a single speed, but it was my first attempt. Now, I am not a mechanical "dummy". I mean I put together my touring bike last year from new and used parts and then rode it across Missouri fully loaded with food, clothes and camping gear....Anyway, I took the wheel apart and broke the hub open. Looked up a schematic online, read a couple articles and an hour later I had a butter smooth rear then I went back and did the front. At this point, I am full of confidence and decided to lace up the front hub to the old rim. Turned to trusty YouTube, watched a video and then I built the wheel and trued it up perfectly. Not a bad way to start the new years....learned to take hubs apart, build a wheel and true a wheel. 8)