♪♫Every time I go to the mailbox, gotta hold myself down.
Cuz, I just can't wait for these parts to be coming around.
I'm running out of sunshine, whoa whoa. ♪♫
So I'm still at a bit of a stand still. Frame is not back from powder coat. I did make some sample decals, so they are ready to go. I'm waiting for the following parts in the mail:
Sissy Bar
Sissy bar spacers
Shifter stickers (should have been here weeks ago, seller said he'd send another set. I'm pessimistic)
I think I have everything else. It's just a matter of putting this thing together.
In the mean time I've been playing around with some ideas for muscle bike accessories. I have a good selection of vintage radios, and headlamps that I may add to this build, but I also like the idea of attaching an old transistor radio to some of my bikes.
I ordered some handlebar clamps that I thought I would use for attachment purposes, but again, I'm waiting by the mailbox. A ha!! The 3d printer!!
I won this thing a few years ago for the school and while I'm off work I brought it home to revive it since it wasn't working properly. Success!! I modeled my clamp after the bottom clamps that come with the old Archer Road Patrol radios. The following pics show what I came up with. What do you think?
The radio attaches to the clamp via dovetail. Can you tell I'm a woodworker? The attachment piece is simply super glued to the radio backing so that the radio can come on and off the bike. This is useful for changing the battery and taking the radio with you, which is how the vintage radios were designed to be used. I have some other parts coming, and I'd like to modify some other radios to work as bluetooth speakers.
I call them Rat Rod Radios.... obviously!