Well not a whole lot of progress. Still trying to gather some parts . Scrape together cash that I said I wasn't going to spend on this build ( sorry honey ) and feed my crazy minds appetite for creatively . I really want to put a 3 speed nexus on this bike so that's the only reason I don't have a roller yet . So I'm going to keep saving , selling & try to beat the wife to the mail box for miscellaneous parts lol . Actually she's not that bad but I did say I was going to lay low for a little while , oops I guess I lied ....
Hear are a few up dates
Just remember if you powder coat a seat post grid it down some to make up for the thickness , witch I did do so it fits perfect.
Got Mr. Meaner rolling today rideable but not finished. As usual throw the budget out the window. I did use some parts I had kicking around but my addiction to the inter web & bobs bike shop has got me into trouble , lol . Picked up a new set of wheels with a nexus 3 speed . Now all I need is a suicide shifter . Trying to put a Ed Roth , George Barris spin on this monster muscle bike !!!!
I've been doing some more work to Mr Meaner . After the passing of one of the legends George Barris last week. I tried to draw some inspiration form some his work & Ed Roth also. .
I also found these cool tail lights & made some brackets they remind me of the zombie eyes
I ordered a front head light & it was to small so I decided to order another one it looks perfect on this bug eyed beast. I mad a bracket for it at my buddy's welding shop
I also ordered some lime green pinstripes. It just needed some more color & detail to give it that old school Barris , Roth vibe .
This monster muscle bike is starting to take shape .