Just a footnote to the naysayers, I repeat: There was no modification to the frame or the forks. That is a "Bent" 26" springer on a 64' Stingray with only a spacer under the bottom race... I have read that it couldn't be done, and that nothing will line up.
Yeah it has a nice scale to it, till you put the giant boy on it!!!awesome! the overall size surprised me
Great idea. We'll be on the lookout...Some early wide stingray bars would suit that bike nicely. Especially for the big guy.
Yeah I haven't done much research but I do know after the 64' Stingray came out, they changed the frame some, to create two bikes. From 65' on, the seat stays are a bit longer and more arched and the seat tube was lengthened a bit too, this was now the Stingray, and the original frame was renamed Stingray Jr. So, even though this is a 64' Stingray, it is the same frame as a Jr. from later yrs...The scale reminds me of the Schwinn StingRay Runabouts.