(MBBO) Class 2 "Sick Trike " fall back move forward DOne stamp!

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Man, I'd rather see the convertible tank instead of the springer fork. I might be a little biased though. ;)

Its early yet things may change , i still have the Mens bike frame it came with orginaly i just have to see what direction this thing goes in ... And maybe save the ladys frame for that tank and get a different springer for it .
Alrighty moving forward i found another back wheel So i cut it apart and mocked it all up then Tac ed it to see how its going to look . I had to make some hardware changes so the sprocket would ine up better on the trike axel its working out pretty good . It rolls very easy too !
well Im not sure im going to make it fellas I new it would be tight with everything going on this year and now the holidays are around the corner Wifey just handed me her list And she wants a Another ring .. Shish * Im still trying to build my paint room and there's not much cash flow right now . Id says its the worst its been for me in many years .
I wish it was the time factor but its not . Bills are paid and all my extra cash has been going in to tools and the shop .

well Im not sure im going to make it fellas I new it would be tight with everything going on this year and now the holidays are around the corner Wifey just handed me her list And she wants a Another ring .. Shish * Im still trying to build my paint room and there's not much cash flow right now . Id says its the worst its been for me in many years .
I wish it was the time factor but its not . Bills are paid and all my extra cash has been going in to tools and the shop .

I am hoping you do make it @c1run1, but understand if it does not happen, bikes are a hobby, other things must sometimes come first...
Looking forward to seeing the trike done whenever it happens...

I feel for ya bro. I could slap mine together now too but it ain't what I want... It's gonna be close here on cash, I took on the college kids phone and got a pay cut at work, and as you say, the holiday is upon us. But don't give up yet.

well i starting fitting the tank today i still need a cool fork , but since it doesn't cost anything for my time i went and a head fitting the tank
I sold the screamer the other day so i have a some extra cash to play with , although i let it go kinda cheap i think, but what can you do its that time of year .
