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I'd like it multiple times if the forum allowed it!
Shoot me some progress pics when you get more done! LOOOOOOOOOOVE it!
well im struggling with temperature issuses i have a little propane heater running but its still not really warm enough to completely dry the base coat for the spray chrome system . The white painted parts are in the special base coat for that , i had to bring them in for the night and hope for the best .
The frame came out very nice with the clear coat its going to be tight for sure !

Color looks rad... seems this year we are all in the same boat,with the temp and painting...
Fingersx it cures.
well Everything was looking great , then bad then great then turned for the horrible worst . I heated up the shop the best i could i and i was excited to start my Spectra system and test run it . My parts started to turn out amazing , but then i noticed where i had wet sanded a few nubs out it wouldn't take . So off to the tech info i go and i find out i can not touch the base coat once its applied for anything ! not with my hands not with anything . If i get dust in the part its living there .

So i improvise buy dusting some blue in and figure i'll do the same to both sides to make it match as there is no time to do over the base coat due to the drying time .

And after i cleared it with there top coat it all went from bad to worst .. it all crazed ...................

There's no way i can save this now looks like im beat
I know that there's always a learning curve with new endeavors, it just really sucks that it happened now. You really gave it your best shot to make the deadline. Maybe now you can slow back down and really show us what you've got! I'm really stoked by what you've done so far and can't wait to see this done right!!! Heck, throw all the parts together anyway and cross the finish line with what you've got. Keep it going!
Man that is awfull hate to see that times like that can almost make a grown man cry with disqust but now you know how long does the process take?
Man that is awfull hate to see that times like that can almost make a grown man cry with disqust but now you know how long does the process take?

Since i dont have the oven set up 24 hrs for the base coat to dry at 72* but longer at a cooler temp . then after the water drys off you can clear coat it then add that drying time in .