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don't know why last pic posted twice. was reading the first description that i wrote on this, the pin striping isn't masking tape, i used the tape to tape off my striping and painted the red stripes. i can't draw a straight line, so this is the only way i could do it! :roll:
I've seen plastic bullet valve caps before,(the slug), so I thought real ones had been done long ago. I did these .44 Rem Mag casings the first of the year, heres 2 pics I just took.

Valve cap epoxied on end of casing.


Valve cap epoxied up into casing, like #1 better, I think.

looks good quanah. rode the bike to work this morning, the bullet actually didn't rattle around at all! i figured with the weight it would bounce off of the spokes. i am going to make two more and leave them brass, i had to fire off the primer caps in them with a punch and a hammer. sounded like a .22 gun going off!!! :D
murraymadman said:
it is done other than finding a head tag for it, i have a lasalle tag i am thinking about. :D

Cool bike MM. Here is an idea for your headbadge. This is a brass engine badge was taken from a B-17 bomber in Italy in 1944 by my grandfather. He was an airplane mechanic during the war and was a Pratt & Whitney engine specialist. This badge is enamel and would probably be damaged if you tried to bend it, but I have seen these same exact badges on ebay that are just brass with no enamel. If you search "Pratt & Whitney" on ebay you'll see one eventually. There is a lady in Arkansas that has them every so often. Gary


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