Mongoose Beast Fat Bike build and ideas

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yoothgeye said:
Still wondering if anyone makes sealed bearings for the euro bottom bracket, seems like most offerings are cartridge, which obviously won't work because of the wide spindle.

Wondering if this will work or if it just works with BMX spindles... ... =1-1-fkmr1
yoothgeye, i don't know much, but i can throw out what i know and let others correct me or fill in the gaps.

when i replaced the cranks on my deception, i got new cranks and a new bottom bracket that has external cartridge bearings. i unscrewed the old cup and cone and installed the new BB and cranks. the spindle included some spacers to adapt it to etiher a 68 or 73 mm wide bb shell.

if you installed those bearings on the beast, you'd still need the spindle that goes from one side to the other to connect the cranks. im not sure how many choices we have on those, since the bb is soooo wide. so far i have only heard of people replacing the cranks, but not the spindle, so that remains uncharted territory.

did any of that help?
Dr. Tankenstein said:
Hey Bill,
Here's some measurements that Steve posted.

Hope this helps.

Dr. T
Thanks, Dr T. It looks like the top tubes are about the same length, but the down tube on the beast is shorter. Hmmm...

Randy, Nice vid.
Picked up both my Red one and my Green one. Green one is still in the box waiting for the Build Off.

The Red one I threw together just to get a feel for it. Only changes thus far were to de-sticker it and I used some parts box aluminum wellgo pedals instead of the crappy plastic ones it comes with. First thoughts and impressions:

1: Comments about a tight Headset are on the money. Just moving it around a little loosened it up but I'm gonna disassemble and do it right.

2: Comments about gearing are on the money and will cause them to be sold after being bought on looks alone as an impulse buy. I'm in the right market (Florida) Used ones are gonna be easy to come by. Good for me! Meanwhile I'll need to address the issue on mine but haven't decided the route yet. Probably just swap out the rear cog when # 3 below comes in.

3. Already decided I'm gonna swap for the Truvativ crankset being used by others. When it comes in I'll check all the bearings and re-grease the BB. Others have mentioned that the stock cranks are the same as on the 2nd Gen Stingray. While I cannot confirm that (My 2nd Gen Stingray is in another location) if they are I know those are boat anchors.

4. There have been some complaints about packaging and scratched up frames. I've only opened the Red one and it was wrapped up great. Plenty of protective cardboard wrapping on the frame to prevent scratches. (Even though the box looked like hell)

5. The wheels have to be boat anchors. Figuring that drilling the rims is a no brainer. Just a matter of how many and how big without losing structural integrity. Maybe even go nuts and have them re-laced with Ti rainbow spokes. LOL (I am not a wheel builder). I let Zen masters do my wheels.

6. There is an 'odd' something in the drive-line. Either BB grease issue or rear hub grease is my guess. I can't put my finger on it but it's there.

7. I'm really not liking the 'color' of the rims. They are for lack of a better term.......grey. Hope it's a good base coat for paint. Not much gloss so it should be. So a complete dis-assembly of the wheels is in order. Drill the rims, Paint the rims and re-assemble with some fancy colored alloy nipples.

8. Mountain Bikers of 5 foot 10 and greater will probably not like the top tube length. You will feel 'compacted'. Tall BMX'ers won't mind at all. It could be setup for taller Mountain Bikers with the proper mods but honestly this is Rat Rodders bike to fool around with. Go buy a Surly if you want to mountain bike on a Fat Tire bike. (I'm 6' 2" and have a Santa Cruz Blur LT and Superlight as well as Schwinn Factory Homegrowns (Hardtail and SweetSpot)) This bike is not an alternative to a Surly! It's a 200 dollar toy for those of us who like bikes. One of my favorite rides is a 99 dollar Huffy Cruiser that I bought at Walmart and modified in an evening because I was bored. But I still love my Santa Cruz's and Homegrown's and understand what each bike provides me. 'Cheap' bikes are cool too (they just require more immediate attention).

9. All in all very pleased. This bike is just FUN! And isn't that what it's all about?

10. YES my garage smells like a tire store!

Side comments; Love what some have already done to them. Randythe Rat has a great bike with the apes and the Troxle seat that has me drooling! Houndog's paint/finish is insane! Love the 'old' school decals used by Tankenstein and Houndog. kbollox's take at doing what Surly does for 1/4 the price (of course he has 1/2 the cost of the bike in those tires, LOL) is a neat way to interpret this bike. Waiting to see Acustomizers banana seat and sissy bar. And draco's idea has me waiting for the finished product.

Just wish I had an idea for the red one. It's gonna sit 'stock' for awhile, until I have an idea. The Green one, I know what I'm building in the buildoff! Again, isn't it all about having fun? What you choose to do with this bike is your business. Those of us that choose to do it? We're just having fun. If you can't appreciate that or see it you are on the wrong forum.

And Yes! One of us needs to make this bike a trike!
Houndog said:
Thank you for the comments on my paint,I m really glad I went through with it...

houndog your paint work is awesome. I have a frame that could use that. I could never duplicate that.
Somehow I totally missed this and was wondering what everyone was talking about with Houndog's paint.
Now I see!!
Wicked job!!!
That paint is insane! What's even worse is I'm sure it shows even better in person. I want that paint job! And I have the frame!

Actually I have 2!
Thanks guys. I was wondering if anyone would catch her saying that.
I hadn't really planned to make a video of the assembly. Wish I'd thought it through and made a better one. Was also in a hurry to ride it.

Sad thing is here were 4 of us out for a ride, the other 3 on cool old bikes yet this one got all the comments.
cbear said:
That paint is insane! What's even worse is I'm sure it shows even better in person. I want that paint job! And I have the frame!

Actually I have 2!

All ya need is cheap hand held propane torch and some patience.and glitter spray of your choice then clear.
Also need to have frame blasted,that primer is very tough to get off ,I tried..
Man I was hoping these things would sell out and go away ... now they are back in stock :roll: ... I think I'm going to get a BIGFOOT 2x4" decal made up for the downtube and stencil FIRESTONE on the sidewalls :lol:

Nice video Randy, your grandkid looks just the right size to make that bike seem like an even bigger monster bike. I usually drop my bearings too but it never happens when the floor is clean, its usually when there is mud, saw dust, scraped paint and metal shavings on the floor.
CCR said:
... I think I'm going to get a BIGFOOT 2x4" decal made up for the downtube and stencil FIRESTONE on the sidewalls :lol:

I was thinking the same thing when i considered getting a blue one. You could also get a big American flag for the back. GO FOR IT!!!
I can hear it on the radio now.

Big Foot coming to your city!


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