more thread on steer tube needed

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Feb 24, 2007
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missouri - usa
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does anyone know where i could find a die to thread a one-inch fork steer tube further down the tube? i have a fork that came off a a 26 road bike that i want to put into a semi-unique 20" frame for a cool look, but the steer tube threading doesn not far enough down the tube to install it on the smaller frame. thanx
fast eddie outty
bro check local plumbing shops(wholesale) for it or ask a plumber. they have all kinds of dies. coarse/fine threads?

WAIT A MINUTE is this for the build off???? never mind that up there ^^^^^^ you my friend wanna ship it to me and i'll fix er up and send it back may17 :mrgreen:
You LBS could do it properly. Or you figure out some sort of spacer. I did this on this bike with some extra headset parts but I can' t remember how :( But I still have the bike so I can look when I get home.
no its not for a build off, im still trying to finish my build off entry from last september! it'll look cool though, its a small project but i think ill dig it.
fast eddie outty
Park sells one but its really expensive. I found a used one on e-bay and still had to pay about $50 for it. Its to bad you don't live close, you could use mine.
I used a bearing race from an old Schwinn. It is the kind where the bearing race fits into the frame and the bearing cup screws down the fork. here is a pic installed on the bike.
Boardtrack fan said:
Park sells one but its really expensive. I found a used one on e-bay and still had to pay about $50 for it. Its to bad you don't live close, you could use mine. far is Lake Orion from La Porte Indiana????? I have a set that needs more threads too :D :D :D
hey fast eddie
go talk to bicyclerick
i'm sure he has a die to do that
i've discussed this with him before
but have not needed to do this yet

Upper Class White Trash said:
bro check local plumbing shops(wholesale) for it or ask a plumber. they have all kinds of dies. coarse/fine threads?

WAIT A MINUTE is this for the build off???? never mind that up there ^^^^^^ you my friend wanna ship it to me and i'll fix er up and send it back may17 :mrgreen:

don't think that will work... i think the 1"x24tpi is bicycle's NOT a pipe thread size
Is there enough thread sticking out the top to just cut and shorten the steer tube on the fork? I extended a steer tube 3/4 of an inch on one of mine without any problems. Just cut it half way, cut an extra half inch off or so, and weld it back together.