Motorized mongoose beast powered by poulan

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Jan 24, 2017
Reaction score
I've got several projects going right now, my favorite of these is my beloved fatbike who I've put together several good ideation so back and forth do I take it e bike or gas until finally while in Home Depot I saw the solution on sale in the form of a cheap poulan chainsaw 42 cc. $139 a bargain and turns out a perfect fit. Next is replace the crankset with a dual freewheel
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Next in the build
I've got several projects going right now, my favorite of these is my beloved fatbike who I've put together several good ideation so back and forth do I take it e bike or gas until finally while in Home Depot I saw the solution on sale in the form of a cheap poulan chainsaw 42 cc. $139 a bargain and turns out a perfect fit.
Motor should be fine but I'd go with a clutch assembly. No way I'd go direct drive on the crank even with a freewheel.


sent from a banana phone...
Just thought I would mention that the chainsaw motor does have a centrifugal clutch.
The first motorized bike I rode had a McCullough
chainsaw motor on it with a crank sprocket mounted/welded to the rear hub...scary fast, bad brakes and loud as hell....."Oh to be young and bold again" !
Thea's I'm trying to engineer my freewheeling dual sprocket crank to fit this weird ass bottom bracket on the beast