Would it be hard to make this a single speed? Id like to keep the crank for now. Mostly because the rear rim is extreamly bent. Or does anyone have a straight rim? I kinda wanna keep the gears cuz they work flawlessly. Was thinking BMX bars, pedals, layed back seat post, etc.
What you need is to buy or make a truing stand so you can straighten wheels. You will also have to lengthen the cables slightly to go to BMX style bars. Or if you want to go single speed you can just drop the derailleur like I am doing on "Krunk Junk" and shorten the chain Also you can swap the gear cluster to a single freewheel for a cleaner look but that will require a new chain (wider)
Thanks for the info. I dont think the rim can be fixed tho. Its pretty bad. I kinda wanna keep the gears tho. Ive never seen a 24inch BMX with gears.
Also ive been building custom bikes for around 10 years now. Mostly lowriders, choppers, and cruisers. Im pretty clueless with geared bikes. I just picked this bike up real cheap cuz i liked the retro look of it. Might just scrap it tho. Who knows.
Im going to a friends place right now to look thru and fix a couple of his bikes. Dont think he has any bmx tho.
24 inch tires Right? Its so easy. I have done a few for kids that can not get the gear changing down. Take off rear gears, add BMX Freewheel. And up front, The smallest chain ring is what I use. It lines up with the new BMX cog and it gets you close to the right gearing. Try to get close to 1.75 to 1 gearing. for that size bike
I will look at Big Daddy's shop next time I am there. Shipping will be all he wants, but.....on your local Craigslist, I bet there is a used bike guy, or 2! Hit them up, we only charge $10.oo for a rear steel w.o. cog, $15.oo with cog.
Mine at the moment, waiting on new crankset to arrive tomorrow. This is just my sh*t bike so it's a mix of bmx and average parts. I noticed that I can't get regular grips to fit the bars, kinda odd.
This bike has been through a million phases haha I've had it for about 10 years now. Its a Raleigh mtb that I converted to ss years ago and I go back to it when I get bored of riding the Marin and Electra.
Finished it up today and I'm not sure why but it's so fun to ride! I think it's the 2.4" tires. The bike is mostly mid quality Shimano, the bars and stem no clue, Surly fork, and the crank Retrospec. I didn't drop money on it since it's my out for a stroll bike.