My first post as a member on RatRodBikes.Com...Funny!

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Those truss rods are now on my 'Amsterback' bike! :mrgreen:


Gotta love part swappin'!Now that i think about it, there may be old parts of yours on EVERY bike I own! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dr. T
my first post was a WTB list for my first build.
subadrew said:
Picked up my first cruiser the other night and need some parts to make it all work.

Looking for 1 piece crank (old cranks has pedal hole stripped out of it)
pedals (not sure what style and since I don't know what cranks I'll be getting, I'm not sure what size)
1 piece bottom bracket (new if possible)
Seat with springs
1 speed chain

Would love a spare chopper or springer fork as well for other future projects.

Pics would be awesome. thanks

Now I'm up to eyeballs in cranks, pedals, bottom brackets, chains, 2 chopper forks and 4-5 springer forks. And over 60 bikes later (since 2009). At least I finished the bike I had the parts list for, but I still haven't taken a picture of it. Bug bites hard!

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