My Musical Back Pack...

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Oct 4, 2006
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Vernon British Columbia,Canada
Rating - 0%
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well, a few of the Guys I ride with wear these
backpacks with External Speakers...
not sure you'all have seen them.

I was VERY impressed with the Sound Volume and Quality..
so I went out to spend $99.99 on one...and it was on sale for $59.00
It has a little amp that take's 6 AA batteries.
The whole pack is EXTREMELY light weight..
Your MP3 Player plugs in above and away you go.
I'm going to get an IPOD Cordless remote and Velcro dot it
to my Bars so I can controll Volume and tracks..

Here's a Picture of the well as a little Video of it playing.
The sound is Incredible!!!!



and a really POUNDS for such a compact unit.
The sound quality from my Digital Camera isn't the greatest..but The sound quality from this back pack is WICKED!!!

Great deal. Can be used with the bike and anywhere else.

I guess that means no cranking stereo on the Raleigh?
cman said:
Great deal. Can be used with the bike and anywhere else.

I guess that means no cranking stereo on the Raleigh?

I still want to build a Music Bike..
my Son Loves the Raleigh the way it is so I will leave that
But I would LOVE to build a Music Trailer for a Bike...
or all the bikes... :mrgreen:

It is actually REALLY clear and Loud.
a couple Guys from Vancruisers where wearing them and I rode next
to them...and a way's behind them, and I was so
impressed with the Sound and Clarity I had to have one.

I am going to get an I-Pod Remote ( you plug it into the I-Pod
and it has a little tiny Remote about the size of a Silver Dollar.

then I'll sticky Velcro Dot the Remote to my Bars or
top tube and I will be able to controll songs and Volume on the Fly.
