my waljunk genesis 29er front fender delete and mounted

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Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
arkansas city,kansas
ok so i broke my cardinal alw and bought a brand new bike be it tis a wal mart pos
it does have some cool thins though and i plan on making some changes to make it original
some ideas i have are Maltese cross mirrors and pedals as well as different bars and a laid back seat post
does anyone know anybody who builds 29er parts?
im curious as to whats available for this to make it cool
i bought it unassembled because i wanted to make sure ti was greased and lo and behold!!! it wasn't surprise surprise!!!!
so i greased all the bearings and assembled it with the help of my talented wifey( im converting her to a ratrob biker it takes time lol)
so anyways this is it as t sits alll assembled and ridden
it rides pretty good feels lie a lowrider the way it sits
so far i like ti i plan on drilling out the dual rear reflectors and amking them into taillights as well
thanks for reading
Re: my waljunk genesis 29er

I've seen some pretty cool customized versions of these 29" Onyx aluminum cruisers - pretty decent bikes for the money from what I hear

Have fun with it!
Re: my waljunk genesis 29er

thanks old_school

yeah it rides decent and other then needing greasing up and lack of wal mart workers knowledge of assembly it is a decent bike
i paid 160 for it and it does seem like it will be ok as long as i don't beat on it
its setup rater cool as it is but i wanna make it my own
so im looking at a few options with it
i might have a nexus hub built but uncertain yet
ill keep y'all informed
Re: my waljunk genesis 29er more better pics

ok so i decided better pics were due for this
this bikes growing on me im really beginning to like it a lot
its very comfortable to ride although its a single speed
i have added some valvecaps and a handlebar pouch bag to it ( big builder i am lol)
heres she is in better lighting

bullet valvecaps

this pic didnt come out right but it has dual reflectors that would be easy to light up the way their shaped

heres the monster next to my huffy stalker which is tall

bigger is better i guess lol
Re: my waljunk genesis 29er 21st cetury radiobike in works

so my wife came home with a subwoofer tiny lil thing for mp3 players and i got an idea
radio bike!!!!!! only updated and newer technology
um gonna build a dash board where i can mount the speaker and mp3 player for easy control
pics soon
Re: my waljunk genesis 29er 21st cetury radiobike in works

after a long break from this bike due to a rear wheel siezing up i have finally gotten to rebuilding(sorta not exactly) the rear innards
the culprit was a severely bent bearing on the brake arm side which i swapped with a temporary fix used one that fits
this bike is a bit of a hairpuller it has some issues but if i can overcome the issues it has potential to eb a really cool bike
lets hope my bandaid job holds until i can get a new wheel
made a few minor yet affective changes
i was gonna relocate the rear fender for a street sweeper look but it wouldn't line up right so i went with option b
i removed the rear fender entirely and mounted the front fender to the back
gives it that bobbed look
minor yet looks good
more updates soon
so this is becoming a build so i am gonna have to move it to the builds section
i swapped the bars out with older huffy atb bars
its got a nice bobber feel to it
more pics/updates soon

swapped the bars for a different pair
now i got the feel i have been looking for it has that bobber style look to it and ides good
almost finished until i get more ideas

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