Trekka. Those is neato.
Onewheelsqueel said:Trekka. Those is neato.
Onewheelsqueel said:Big question is whats the funky van behind it?
Glen said:Okay, we have established that the big mustardy coloured thing is a 1967 Trekka.
The game now is...
What is the blue thing behind the mustardy coloured thing?
Cool, I had a '62. A friend of mind bought it to build a hot rod "The greenbriar tire fryer"Onewheelsqueel said:Maybe post a pic of the whole thing, or one like it. Besides Id love to see it. Its funkier than my '63 Corvan.
cledry said:Looks like an Austin J2 to me. Perhaps a 1964 but can't see enough to get the year.
cledry said:OK, what is this?
sssidewinder said:cledry said:OK, what is this?
1970's or 80's DRK Three Wheel kit car