Need help with angle grinder

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Mar 28, 2011
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This question relates to bikes because Ill hopefully be using the grinder to cut up some frames for welding.

I just bought a DeWalt 7" Angle grinder and I cant find any cutting discs that work. It says it uses "type 27" discs and They dont fit. So far Ive tried three different kinds of cutting discs for my grinder and none of them seem to fit. first I tried the type 1 disc, which is completely flat, it wouldnt clear the guard, then I bought 2 different types of discs that are raised in the center (i believe these are the type 27, one of them said so, and the other one was identical). It's hard to describe, I hope that made sense, but anyway maybe someone is having a simialar problem. Are these things just not for cutting?
most new grinders come with a disk or grinding wheel ...measure the hole and do it that way !! or meausre the arbor (i think thats what its called ) that u put the disk over ...i have 3 differnt kinds of grinders and they all use the same wheels ...a kawasaki ,dewalt ,milwakee ... good luck !!!
Is it a hole size issue or a thickness issue? Some grinders you need to reverse the fitting before you put the disk on and lock it down if the disks are thin. That is what I have to do and it seems fine for the thin cutting disks.

The plate is not thick enough to tighten the nut down and secure it to the backing plate. It is a 5/8 grinder,which fits 7/8 wheels with the nut on.
Willg said:
The plate is not thick enough to tighten the nut down and secure it to the backing plate. It is a 5/8 grinder,which fits 7/8 wheels with the nut on.

After removing the nut and the disk, see if you pull on the backing plate if it will come off. If it does flip it over and put it back on. Then see if the disk and nut will work now. If not I am out. That is what I have to do with mine. I hope that it works for you.

We just got one of those at work. The arbor cap should say this side up for X size, this side up for Y size. We pulled the safety guard off as soon as the machine was out of the box. Need to run oversized wheels cutting on tractor trailer components.