Below are some photos of a 1948 CWC Roadmaster frame. It came as a complete original bike that had seen lots of use over the years but, that had little rust or damage. The frame is in its original paint but, that are numerous chips, scratches, and rust. Personally I don't mind the scratches and paint wear but, I really can't stand rust. The top of the top bar is solid old rust. I'm sure the old paint wore off in the last 60 years and the rust replaced it.
The two options I'm looking at are this; 1) leave it alone and clear coat the frame to seal it up and prevent further rust or 2) remove the rust and repaint the red portion (everything other than the white front) of the frame flat black and scotch-brite it to add some wear/sheen to it.
The two options I'm looking at are this; 1) leave it alone and clear coat the frame to seal it up and prevent further rust or 2) remove the rust and repaint the red portion (everything other than the white front) of the frame flat black and scotch-brite it to add some wear/sheen to it.