Need Ratrod bike club in Phx.- Mesa,Az. Area

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May 2, 2008
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How about it guys and girls !!! How about a Phx. Az. area rat rod club.. Any ideas ???? THANKS Bartleydad
I have been to a couple of their rides but only seen speed bikes and a couple of fixies. Looking for some people with crusiers or rat rod bikes . Thanks bartleydad
Ok guys and gals. How about a meet and greet ride or just meet to show our bikes for fun. Any one got a idea where to meet. I am in far east valley and will come in as far as downtown. Any ideas ????? Help me out here as where to meet. Thanks Bartleydad
Its been over 110 all week and its not gonna let up for some time. October sounds good,lol :shock: 8) :lol:
Count me in...but I am remodelling a house in Flagstaff for at least the next month. Then, my wife's mom is getting remarried in my back yard! Needless to say, I have a lot to do before I can really put in the effort I would like toward a PHX getogether. If something get's done before then, I'm still in, but I don't have much to offer until later this year.

In the fall I might dig hosting a get together at my house...we could even do a ride in downtown Mesa during their "First Friday" night out thing. They often do the "Classic car cruise" then.....might be pretty cool.

Sincerely looking forward to meeting you guys (and hanging out with Carl again!),

its almost too hot right now to even get one of my bikes done- im having to work on it at night when its cooler.

im on north side of phx way up by 101 and cave creek rd area.

when this summer blast oven cools off id say thatd be the best time really.
Oh, come on guys! What's the old saying?......It's a dryer heat!! Ya, Right! It's still #.@$& Hot!! I'm from Fresno and we are in the same boat when it comes to the heat thing. Maybe we can bounce ideas back and forth for "cool" ride ideas. We are just starting this here and would love to see you guy's make a it big!! Latter Guys!
Ok guys it is hot in Phx. but thats nothing new. On sat. they have a car and cycle show by Power and the 60 fw. every sat. nite. Its in the north east corner by the Target / kmart parking lot. Its free and they have some nice cars and bikes. So lets bring our rats and crusiers to show and see what we all have I usualy go about 6 pm and leave by 8pm. some come earlier and some stay later. hope to see you there. I have a el camino and will bring 1or 2 of my rats. bartleydad
ok guys and gals its cooler now... how about a ride or just meet and greet. Somewhere in Phx. area to show and see everyones bike... Any ideas ???? Bartleydad
Heres an idea.Build a bike is having a show/party I think Sep 27. Would be a good place to meet up and discuss future rides and get aquainted.Its on the west side but should be worth the trip.Personally my time is very limited because of personal obligations, so being able to kill 2 birds with one stone would be great.Dont forget the Tour De Fat coming up the begining of Oct. 8)
Wow, I just saw this post. Bartleydad I am in far east Mesa as well Ellsworth & University) I have done the car show with the Phoenix Phreaks. We started there ( Power & Hampton) rode a 3 mile loop around Superstition Springs, Stopped at Fuddruckers for burgers & beer! Good Times! I'm thinking you must have done the holiday ride by the lake back in Dec. I was not in attendance at that one, but heard about fixies and roadies. Tikiharl rode with us in the St. Patrick's day parade, not a fixie or roadie in the lot. The last ride I attended w/Phreaks was in June, we started at the summit ridge of Hwy. 89 and rode down almost to Sedona! :shock: That ride was not for the faint of heart! Once again not a fixie or roadie in sight, a few cruisers did make the ride. While we are not dedicated to any particular style of bike, we would like to see anything custom/different and as always costumes welcomed, not required.Tour De fat is Sat. Oct. 11th @ Tempe beach park starts around 9:00 A.M. This is Phx. Phreaks 1 yr. anniv. as well! I would urge all in attendance to come over and cruise on the Freaky side! Hoping to see Rat Rod folks I have seen before! Later & PEACE!!! :mrgreen:
i missed the build a bike showing but i hope to have a new piece done by oct 11th

also hope to bring out 20in lowrider and tall blue upsidedown bike