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Whoa...I'm liking that site already,and I just clicked on it for about 5 seconds...(I got other stuff to do)

I WILL be back to it!

yowzah...makes the occ guys look like preschoolers.
I like this brake lever idea...
Occ ? who are they ?? :lol:
Oh yeah, now I remember ! Ain't that the guys who are using
mostly pre-fabricated stuff ? :D

The man from Krugger makes every part by himself, welds his own frames,exhaust etc etc .
The OCC guys are ........ They were nobodys before they got a TV show. The stupid "theme bikes" they make are the opposite of what choppers are supposed to be. Choppers are stripped-down bikes, not "let's see how much crap we can attach to a bike". Sorry, don't get me started........
Well Mike I hear what you are saying! and I to can agree with what you are saying.... however do not get me wrong when I say this but we ow a lot to the OCC gang and Discovery channel!

If not for them, the whole bike world would not be as big and grand as it is today. Many no name big builders are now house hold names making BIG dollars for their talent. If not for them, It would still be this small recluse world that only the criminal element are/were apart of!

Now its like the HotRod world were everybody plays in. and all walks of life are involved :mrgreen:

So I say thanks OCC/ Discovery channel for starting it all! :mrgreen:
They make some sweet bikes! He is on the cover of the most recent Barnett's mag.


I think we shoud thank Discovery channel and the O.C.C. tards for helping it along but not starting it. As you guys may have seen lately the HUGE rear tired monstrosities have gone somewhat by the wayside as the more classic themed, skinny tired bikes are EVERYWHERE!

All the O.C.C. guys did was receive a package of parts from whoever hired them to do a job, magnatize the motorcycle, throw all the parts at the bike, and weld them on where they landed. Don't get me wrong, there are some people on that show that are very talented but they are stuck in that trainwreck of a shop having to listen to that loud mouth fool.
That is right the OCC guys are just assemblers. I know this for a fact, before they got real huge and bought all there own machines. My dad did a few things for them at his shop, and the carbs use to be built by devinchi, right down the road from my dads shop here in Texas. I think there painters are the ones that really bring the bikes to life, and they don't get enough credit. But there are a bunch of chopper builders around Houston and all they do is order parts, take them to get painted, and just assemble.
I would have to disagree about the OCC guys not building their own bikes. I know that their production bikes are just slapped together but if you watch the show you would have to know that the themed bikes are custom built.
I know I couldn't pull the stuff off.

Makes for entertaining TV anyway....especially Mikey. :lol:
iRide Custom Bicycles said:
I think we shoud thank Discovery channel and the O.C.C. tards for helping it along but not starting it.

Don't you mean the Chopper Channel :lol: :lol:
demon said:
I thought the show was much more interesting when Paul Senior would go crazy all of the time but it seems like he has mellowed out big time.

Actually, I spoke to someone who went to school with Paul Jr. Paul Sr. is not that crazy, it's just that the 10 minutes that he "flipped" everyday was dragged out into 20-25 minutes on each show initially. Just made him seem crazier.