Need suggestions on removing stuck bolts

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Mar 30, 2010
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San Diego, Ca
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I really don't know why I used bolts that came with locktite on them to install the fender stays on my Dyno, but I'm paying the price now.
I want to remove the rear wheel, but can't remove the stays because the bolts are stuck in the frame. I tried using several different screwdrivers to remove them, but that didn't work and now the bolts are slightly stripped.
Any suggestions on how to remove them without scratching the frame or cutting through the fender stays?
Thanks in advance!
The only way I know to get locktite to release is heat. Might start with a hairdryer. If that doesn't work move to a heat fun and then a torch.
The nuts are too close to the frame for welding. I tried an impact screwdriver, but not with heat.
I'm considering buying some cheap screwdrivers at the local swap meet and super gluing them to each bolt.
Then I'll use udall's idea to apply heat before turning.
Thanks for the suggestions.
You might try a soldering gun to heat up the side with the nut on it to soften up the material a bit. or you can try a heating a metal rod or something like it with a torch ( heat it till its red) and touch to the nut to transfer the heat and then try to unscrew the fastener with a impact. there maybe a few other ways too those two come to mind first...
tnt1 said:
Can you cut a slot in the head of the bolt and use a good slotted screwdriver on them? Tony
+1 but a little heat as well cant hurt. I have a Dremel moto tool that I have used to cut slots in srew heads many times, works very well! :wink:
if you have an electric welder, weld one of the cheap screwdrivers to the screw. a quick spot weld is all it takes, and while its still hot unscrew it. don't go overboard on the weld, just a quick spot on one side.

or, cut the head off with a dremel, drill the screw out and use a larger screw or bolt and nut to put it back together.
I have had luck with hammering a torx bit into a phillips head screw and being able to turn them out. Sometimes it works,sometimes it doesn't.good luck
A couple of things my daddy taught me long ago about stuck screws and bolts. And, I DO NOT expect this to work on loc-tite.

SOMETIMES you can break the threads loose by TIGHTENING the bolt slightly first and then try un-screwing it.

SOMETIMES a whack with a hammer straight down on the head of the bolt will help break it free, use a screwdriver on small screws and hit the end of the screwdriver. Don't go crazy with the force of the blow.