needing some good vibes.

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Aug 3, 2010
Reaction score
Body: Kokomo, In... Mind: in the gutter. Soul: in
Rating - 100%
2   0   0
Well guys I'm taking some junk to the scrapyard tomorrow, Pickins have been slim to none lately so I am hoping tomorrow will be different. I'm going in the morning so I can use all the good mojo I can get. Wish me luck! Come on bluebird........Tweet Tweet...... :roll: Hey a guy can dream can't he? :lol: :mrgreen: Or maybe a Black Phantom, Auto cycle, Cycle truck, Heck I'd be happy to find a Hornet to go with my Wasp. Anything but Walmart Huffy. :mrgreen:
since tomorow is valentines day, you will find a bike you fall in love with. :mrgreen:
it was worth a shot anyway.
I hope to see a pic of one of these in the back of your truck. it is a great high when it happens. :D
outskirtscustoms said:
Well no luck at the scrapyard but I did get something just as old as the bluebird, Anyone know what a 1935 1 dollar silver certificate is worth? I got 4 of them, 2 have the in god we trust on the back and the other two don't. I thought they were kinda cool.

At a buck a piece I'd go so far as to say, $4.
outskirtscustoms said:
Well no luck at the scrapyard but I did get something just as old as the bluebird, Anyone know what a 1935 1 dollar silver certificate is worth? I got 4 of them, 2 have the in god we trust on the back and the other two don't. I thought they were kinda cool.

you know i collect notes, the difference in value is mostly determine by the color of the seal, green, red, yellow or blue (silver), the two godless notes (notes without the in god we trust) are worth a little more. condition of the notes is always important to determine value. any pictures?, lets see them!!
outskirtscustoms said:
Cool, they are all blue seal, 1935. two are H series one G series and one E series.

Till I got these I thought all US currency had the In god we trust on it. Learn something new every day.

i'm not an expert but i think you have about $10.00 worth there!!! try to find one with a yellow seal, according to the story i read, notes with the yellow seal were used during ww2 to pay the soldiers stationed in Africa, i have a $10 note with a yellow seal, i also have notes from hawaii, they say hawaii in the front and the back, they were also used in ww2, the US changed all the currency in hawaii so all there notes would say hawaii in case japan took over hawaii. if that had happen the US was going to deemed the notes no good currency! everything has a story thats why i also like that hobby



i also have one of these and they also have a story 1928 $1 note with red seal


Yeah it amazes me to think of all that has happened since these left the mint in 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was in office, we were in the middle of the great depression, John Lennon wasn't born yet, Albert Einstein was still alive, Elvis was just being born, Babe Ruth played his last major league game, Lou Gehrig was still playing, The first televised major league baseball game, John F. Kennedy had just graduated, Hindenburg Blows Up, you could have bought an Elgin Bluebird for about $40, the depression ends, World war 1, World War 2, and the VW bug wasn't even thought of yet.