The Morning Crew
Let’s Pig-Out!!! The prices were beyond reasonable, like $5.34 for a sausage, egg and bacon on a bagel w/Gatorade! And so what if it was a 43,384,326 calorie breakfast!
The Great Get Together! We met somewhere along the trail about 3-miles or so from the Meet-Up Place without the use of our cell phones – Luck has its place!
The Great Get Together 2!!! On the return the Morning Split into two groups, this was the regroup.
Quite possibly the most ingenious headlamp for a bicycle EVER! A multi-LED cluster reversed and illuminating a copper reflector plate with all of the components exposed!
Hanging-out and discussing the upcoming New Haven Ride: Date to be announced

Let’s Pig-Out!!! The prices were beyond reasonable, like $5.34 for a sausage, egg and bacon on a bagel w/Gatorade! And so what if it was a 43,384,326 calorie breakfast!

The Great Get Together! We met somewhere along the trail about 3-miles or so from the Meet-Up Place without the use of our cell phones – Luck has its place!

The Great Get Together 2!!! On the return the Morning Split into two groups, this was the regroup.

Quite possibly the most ingenious headlamp for a bicycle EVER! A multi-LED cluster reversed and illuminating a copper reflector plate with all of the components exposed!

Hanging-out and discussing the upcoming New Haven Ride: Date to be announced

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