NERRB Simsbury, CT Bike Trail Ride 2 Sunday May, 4th

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The Morning Crew

Let’s Pig-Out!!! The prices were beyond reasonable, like $5.34 for a sausage, egg and bacon on a bagel w/Gatorade! And so what if it was a 43,384,326 calorie breakfast!


The Great Get Together! We met somewhere along the trail about 3-miles or so from the Meet-Up Place without the use of our cell phones – Luck has its place!






The Great Get Together 2!!! On the return the Morning Split into two groups, this was the regroup.

Quite possibly the most ingenious headlamp for a bicycle EVER! A multi-LED cluster reversed and illuminating a copper reflector plate with all of the components exposed!

Hanging-out and discussing the upcoming New Haven Ride: Date to be announced

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A most excellent time and very nice to meet brother bikers and see some awesome rides .Hopefully we'll get the chance to all gang up for a run together.The Ache Bones ran up to and around Congamond lake hopeing for some beers n eats but sadly the kitchen for both Crabby Joe's and the Skybox are being remodeled so recommended to us was the Southwick Inn a few miles further north.Ran into a quick rain shower twice and hit some cover and then coffeed up at D&D.Good times rolled and to be remembered:thumbsup:More pics coming up!
Yeah, it was a great run today. After we left you guys we had lunch on the deck at Plan B under blue skies. The rain must have moved in later.
Yes that's me doing repairs on the FireArrow .but otherwise enjoying a good
ride as we do most weekends.(Danbury/Brewster next weekend? ) Thanks to the NERRBers who came out for a ride of real miles proving the bikes are not just for show.Thanks for the pics ,lets try for a group ride in 2/3 weeks?
Like Bruce sings"Summer's here and the time is right for riding on the trails "
That's the farthest I've ridden a single speed bike without stopping!! Great to ride with you guys once again, we had a great time! When's the next one? :)

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Forgot to mention that we saw a local chapter member of the H Angels crusin around the lake,pretty sure he didn't notice us all that much or mabey he did have an eyeball on my ape bars as he smoked by.
That's the farthest I've ridden a single speed bike without stopping!! Great to ride with you guys once again, we had a great time! When's the next one? :)

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Hey Joel,the next one should be in a couple weeks or so,me Steve,Jerry & Jose we're discussing a ride from Chesire to New haven it would be about 30 mi giver take.Prefer to do it on a sun early afternoon.Would like to get you Jane,Joe,Ian,Jeff down here.We laid a little ground work on the New haven "Bust a Gut Bike Ride"tread.Lets see if we can get everybody on the same page on this one,I'd be a goodtime!
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What is especially cool about it is that we are riding 30+miles on bicycles designed originally for going around the block!

Wish, I knew about this site couple years ago. Lived in Fremont NH then. Moved back to Dayton Ohio have family in Boston so I'LL watch the thread for rides.
Wish, I knew about this site couple years ago. Lived in Fremont NH then. Moved back to Dayton Ohio have family in Boston so I'LL watch the thread for rides.
The next two upcoming rides will be the New Haven, CT Ride later this month or early next and the Northampton, MA Nightlife Ride on a Saturday night in July; other rides might take place before these two dates. We’re pretty laid-back in both our ride scheduling and on riding itself.