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Great design, but I am not into the softer "vintage" material. They tend to not last. I prefer to give mine the vintage feel the old fashion way! As far as the color, I am pretty open to any color as long as its black. 8)
I like this one a lot. Price point will be the decider. I'll need two of course, one for Boy and me. As to the color, I like both choices and can't decide so you go ahead and decide for me. :)
id definitly be down for a new shirt. the last shirts were the only ones that i missed out on since i joined! :cry: i guess 2013 will be the year for "heather"! :lol:
Best shirt yet IMHO grey or brown is good to me, since I finally made it out of my seemingly eternal adolescence I'm trying not to buy so many black clothes. :lol:
I like the design, but not the font. Too surfy (is that even a word?) and not enough old school. Looks like it belongs on a Paul Frank girls bike. Most of the headbadges and stuff from our old bikes have more traditional fonts with serifs and some ornamentation. I'm just a big design nerd though 8)

I do like the font by itself, but not in this context, hope I didn't offend :oops:
I'll take two in 3x 1 brown an 1 gray those look awesome an if by chance you do a long sleeve maybe have ratrodbikes down the sleeve
Here is my two cents, switch the designs around. That way the cool part wouldn't get ruined when working on our old backs. Just a thought
Count me in. I like the idea of the vintage feel. Too many of the T-shirts I get from contests, events or other hooplah are the heavy cheapo cotton ones
I've two places getting me quotes right now.

Once I get the numbers nailed down I'll start the pre-order process again. :D
Well, apparently these new trendy soft T-shirts ain't cheap! :shock:

What's funny is that there is actually less material in them than the old school 100% cotton shirts. :lol:

For me to get this shirt done like I want them on nice shirts, I'd probably have to sell them at $27.00 a pop and get 85 shirts pre-ordered to be able to start the run.