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Stevil said:
Whoa ! I saw this piece tonight !" Panama Jack" ... 4&subcat=9

Whoah! Look at the "DELUXE"...zoom in on the front wheel....find the bent spoke. :shock: This is what Huffy showcases on their website?!?!? Isn't the corporate website supposed to show the product in the BEST possible configuration? They don't even care if their product shows bent spokes. I guess it's truth in advertising......Every cool bike I see at Wal Mart looks like someone already wrecked it. I saw the OP bike at my local Wal Mart and it has a 3" gash on the top of the handlebars where someone scraped something across it.

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Cheap is one thing....but I can't bring myself to pay retail prices with taxes for something that is already broken.
If the bent spoke has been seen before, it's probably a rendered wheel and not an actual one. Maybe the guys at Huffy are just seeing if you're paying attention. :lol:

Bent spoke aside, these themed bikes are kinda cool (IMHO). The Panama Jack bike has the beginnings of a Tiki bike build, and I'd like to have one of those leather/vinyl drink holders. The chainring is interesting too.

Think about it, Huffy gets people jazzed about cruiser bikes again and WE reap the benefits by having a larger audience to sell our restored/ratted bikes to, so we can continue to build our dream machines,right?
WalMart is the enemy!!!!!

Support your local bike shop. I realize the prices are cheap, but there products come at a huge cost. Just look at our economy. Support local businesses.
2 out of 29 nearby "lbs" are non-corporate. 99% of their wares are Chinese. One Walmart in the area employs more people than all of them. I like to do business w/the small shops when possible, they need the money, but in the overall scheme of things, it's 6 of one, a half dozen of the other.
Ya'll gotta see this, and I will try and get some pics this weekend, BUT...I have been frequenting the local Walmart to see this fixie, but..this weekend topped all, was there with the future Mrs. Old School, and found a ladies LaJolla beach cruiser that LITERALLY had the front fork mounted BACKWARDS...was all cinched down and everything....handlebars forward..forks pointing back...not alot of faith in Walmart bike techs !! Will post pics this weekend unless someone buys it ????? :shock:
'Preciate the heads up on this OP bike from Walmart. I've never been a fan of theirs, but it seems like the perfect starting point for me to toy around with since a felt is outta the question with the mrs at this point. It looks alot nicer without the stickers, I got mine for $108.
Got one and put in another $100 for the springer fork, tires, seat, and pedals. Removed all the stickers and put on the ones I had lying around. Used extra parts that I had and greased up all the bearings. It didn't have much grease in her when I opened her up. Here she is, my Betsy.



She runs really smooth and is now my everyday ride!

Love all the changes that you'd never know it came from Wal-Mart. :wink:
sandyv said:
Got one and put in another $100 for the springer fork, tires, seat, and pedals. Removed all the stickers and put on the ones I had lying around. Used extra parts that I had and greased up all the bearings. It didn't have much grease in her when I opened her up. Here she is, my Betsy.
She runs really smooth and is now my everyday ride!

Beautiful're inspiring me...heh. I really like what you've done with this.
The changes looks great. Is it just me or the frame looks almost exactly like the Electra Sparker?
cactus said:
The changes looks great. Is it just me or the frame looks almost exactly like the Electra Sparker?

The springer fork I got is for an electra frame, the steering tube measures 8 1/2". Thanks everyone for the compliment and thanks Steve for this post. I would have never known about this bike from Wal-mart.

I'm getting a lot of compliments while cruising around and everybody thinks its an Electra. I guess only we know the truth! lol.
I pulled one of these off the rack at WM and took a seat. It's got the "pedal-forward" geometry similar to an Electra, only not as far forward. The bike seemed to fit alot better than the standard size cruisers, too. It's definitely a great base for a custom build.

Your's looks great, sandyv. 8)
The $149 Mongoose Cachet single speed road bike is out of stock on Walmart's web site. Has anyone seen it in their local Walmart within the last few days. I'm in Fernandina Beach, FL which is just north of Jacksonville and our local Walmart has the black OP (Ocean Pacific) but not the Mongoose Cachet.
