new web site for parts

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Jul 4, 2011
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i found this new web site for parts a few weeks ago they seem to add new parts everyday and the prices are cool they have taken care of me a few times on some stuff i needed its nice to have a place thast not ebay !!
if your selling new red gltter slim lines for 10 bucks a pr i will take as many as you got as long as there new like these on this site ,and they do have a contact email thats how i got my tracking for them and yes i have used mlc many times and the prices all are about the same when you include the shiipping anyhow ive had good luck with this site so far just wanted to put it out there for people
thanks for the lead it dont look like theirs much of a selection belive i'll stick with my old suppliers memory lane & maple island thanks any way.. :roll:
old bikes said:
if your selling new red gltter slim lines for 10 bucks a pr i will take as many as you got as long as there new like these on this site ,and they do have a contact email thats how i got my tracking for them and yes i have used mlc many times and the prices all are about the same when you include the shiipping anyhow ive had good luck with this site so far just wanted to put it out there for people
I sold a set :wink:
old bikes said:
if your selling new red gltter slim lines for 10 bucks a pr i will take as many as you got as long as there new like these on this site ,and they do have a contact email thats how i got my tracking for them and yes i have used mlc many times and the prices all are about the same when you include the shiipping anyhow ive had good luck with this site so far just wanted to put it out there for people

Most sites have contact information available before purchase. This usually includes an address and phone number. They only contact information about antiquebicycleparts was by looking up the domain info. ... id=GoDaddy
Hey guys its a great site i buy from them alot ! And as far as mlc goes they only have a few pr of slim line grips left and seem to be on the down turn of getting new parts in . When i call there all i get is were out of that ! And as for maple island are they still open ? I have called andf called and called with no responce !
B607 said:
old bikes said:
if your selling new red gltter slim lines for 10 bucks a pr i will take as many as you got...

...and put them on my website for $30 a pair. :p Gary
Yeah, this is a little shady here :roll:

How do you think every business in the world operates, buy a product cheap and sell it for more or sell a service. Profit plain and simple.
the web site is not mine its just one that i use for parts and thought some of you guys would like to ck it out . The normal sources are not as much availiable as they used to be and are getten less and less relieabale for parts . but i was just passing it along . have a great day