New York state alert

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May 29, 2011
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I just read New York is considering an annual bicycle tax and license plates, under bill AO529. I hope my info is obsolete, but I can't sit still, because Illinois and many other states would love the idea of taxing bikes while corporate jets are deductable.
Elmer in Illinois.
This is where the term Outlaw Biker quickly comes to mind.

I dont wear a helmet and I dont have lights or reflectors on my Rat Bike called ZOOT.

Catch me for your taxes and fines.
I fully support the police and law enforcement officers and I do my best to respect and abide the laws, but a tax on my bikes? Yeah, they'd have to catch me, hopefully they'd have bigger crooks to chase.
Buck understands the danger this poses for all bike fans. Imagine what California would dream up. They are in worse shape than Illinois. Bicycles don't polute, don't add to the dependance on foreign oil & don't tear up roads. They should be giving medals, not requiring plates and the accompaning fees.
United we ride !
if they require a plate i'm going to get a transporter plate so i can use it on any bike in my collection when it's time to take a ride! :D
Every time I buy anything for my bikes at my lbs I pay taxes, if I buy a bike or parts second hand, the person I'm buying from paid taxes when they bought it. That's enough taxes on bikes.
this is a non issue. the bill was withdrawn in March before being voted on,because of voter opposition. around the same time a politician in NJ proposed a bill like that which met the same fate.
I dunno...if you paid the tax on your bike and then got a cool little stamped metal license plate, it might be worth it. :wink: Gary
clamdigger said:
this is a non issue. the bill was withdrawn in March before being voted on,because of voter opposition. around the same time a politician in NJ proposed a bill like that which met the same fate.

Thanks for the good news update. Sorry I paniced, but I see so much insanity these days Glad I was wrong!
Yep I remember when they tried to do that in NJ, they wanted to charge us for registration too. Thankfully it never passed, I was worried though.
i think it will be ok if by we paying a reasonable amout a year they will also give us some kind of insurance just in case anything happend , also that we could have some kind of combination bike plate that we could move from bike to bike .
Elmer said:
Thanks for the good news update. Sorry I paniced, but I see so much insanity these days Glad I was wrong!

Yeah, I felt that way when I first heard about months ago (I'm a NY resident). It sounded like one more example of a NYC lawmaker that would pass a law to muck up life "upstate". I'm glad clearer heads prevailed. The last thing I want is NYS DMV regulating all of my bicycles, although I suppose that if they issued Historic tags for older ones, it would be kinda cool...