Nice message From skoda, Old but still pretty nice...

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Feb 8, 2007
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Madison Heights Michigan
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I Was talking to skoda awhile back about a headlight.. and He sent me a reply plus this nice letter, Made me feel good about myself and i'd like 2 share it...

From: skoda
To: ricksterr1221
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 10:58 am
Subject: Headlight Quote message

Thanks for the offer on the headlight, but I have a very specific one in mind, it's a Swiss made light, looks like the one on Rat Rod's coppertone Tyhoon.

I also don't want to get rid of the light on the bike now. 1) it works and 2) the original plastic lens is in tact. I plan on putting it on another bike, but if I see something like it I will let you know.

BTW. You have a lot of talent and obvious creative potential for a kid your age. If you are looking for a job, don't sell yourself short. Find a local body or custom shop and beg for a job. Offer to work for free if that's what it takes. Someone with natural talent like you and the right training, you could be doing what you love for the rest of your life.

Just be humble and go to a local shop and grovel. If you learn to weld and paint, by the time you're my age you could be doing and driving whatever you want. Work hard, show up on time and the payoff will be invaluvable. Keep your nose to the gridstone while you're young.

If I had it to do over, I would have never gone to college. I work for Hallmark as a graphic designer now, it's ok, but all I do all day is dream about cars and bikes. I wish I would have gone to a trade school and learned to weld in high school.

Just doing what I wish I could do now. Go back 15 years and give the young-me advice.

Good luck.


Volvo - Latin : "I Roll"

I thaught that was pretty nice... Wheres he been anyway?
I'm around. Weather is nice so I am concentrating on spending more time riding and looking for a decent frame before the next build.

Trying not to live my bike-life vicariously through the site and have some more stuff to post with some substance (i.e. a decent project)

What I said is true, but who knows, grass is always greener. Had I learned to weld, I probably would want to be inside working on design stuff. :roll:
Nice advice Skoda. I myself ran the rat race and ended up being the boss of my service. woowoo......hmmm, not that great. Now I plan on retiring to work for myself, no more boss or employees to babysit. I give myself 9 years to do it. I know I can bust my behind for somebody else, now I will do it for myself. Aim high kid and never quit, you'll get there whatever "there" is. :mrgreen:
I live every day as if it where my Last.
I went to Trade School for 4 years and became a Journeyman Painter.

I love what I do...
but I too once and a while when I get a lousy Client,
or am waitnig 60 to 90 days for a $12,000.00 cheque from a Contarctor..
even though I still have to pay my Men FIRST..and always me after.

But, I am creative..always have been.
I was huge into Graphic art's, Photography, Metal work and welding..
and ALWAYS building and creating something.

so, the best part of my Job is PEOPLE.
I LOVE PEOPLE...and their is INSTANT gratification when you are a Tradesman!

but a Warm Office could be nice in the Winter for sure!

great advice Skoda....

I'm not sure Rick should share a Private message in public,
but it was good words of Wisdom!

I always had the whole "you go to college" thing shoved down my throat. For a while I rejected it, then gave in out of fear.

It all worked out, I have a nice job and I am lucky. I know that my true love is working in the trenches, dirty and greasy and all that - but I also love air conditioning, and health insurance...

I try to be humble, thankful and grateful I have the means to enjoy my hobbies. In the end, life is good if you make it that way in your mind .

I just wish someone had told me that college isn't the only road to a future. If someone has the work ethic and fire in their bellly, they shouldn't waste it out of fear.
skoda said:

It's fine you shared a private message, I doubted it was something everyone wanted to read, but no harm done.


I enjoyed reading's just that inside I have this fear he might post
one I SENT HIM! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

you've come a long way Ricky..
then I saw your Video...and I realized you Digressed a bit :mrgreen:

and Skoda..those are some very wise words..and being a Mentor is a Wonderful feeling inside.

Someone wise, a graphic designer with nothing to gain from it gave a very young, naieve me a very kind and gentle, yet painfully honest assesment of my work years ago. I cold called him for an internship and he took a good hour and a half, picking apart my strengths and shortcomings and giving me the skinny on what to do, what not to do and what is possible when you are young and your options are open.

I literally owe him everything I have in my career. I try to pass along help when I can without doing damage.

Ultimatley, anyone, Rickster, it's a hard choice when you're young, but you have to think of that cleshea question "What would you do if money was no concern for the rest of your life" (if you still had to work).

I'm pretty sure you would fiddle with bikes and cars.

Rambling...tend to do that on Fridays, tick tock...five o'clock.

PEACE OUT Rat Rodders...crank them pedals this weekend!!!
One more thing... Rickster's video is AWESOME. It's 16 year old goofing off at it's finest! I try to hang on to that kind of mentality, it keeps me happy and feeling good. My life mantra is I never want to not be twelve years old in some way.

Growing up is for the birds.

So keep it up man, tell your friends to keep shoving money in their noses and don't fall in to the trap of "grow up". You can "grow up" in the important ways without becoming a total schmuck.

A wise friend of mine claims the religion of DBAD. I too now follow it. It stands for Don't Be A D**k. Means, don't go out of your way to be a jerk basically. Basically the Golden Rule in action.

This guy is the nicest person I know, but I have seen people cross him, then it turns off like a light. He is SO smart, yet never talks down to anyone, is nice to everyone, doesn't judge, then someone is a jerk to him for no reason and they wish they weren't.

If the world follwed this, just think of how great things could be.