nirve at target what the heck???????

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Nov 30, 2006
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sacramento, ca
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read that post down below and just wanted to feild a question to you guys that are in the "industry". personally i get pissed when i see this because it cheapens the better quality bikes that are of the same manufactuer that we carry. schwinn is a good example but they keep it simple, we cant get the junky bikes and they cant get ours. but if nirve is selling that skurvy bike at target and it sure looks like the same one i sell at college that kinda sucks and makes it real hard for a LBS. lets face it they can buy tons of those and sell them for cheap where as a small shop just cant compete with that. i wonder if these companies realize how it hurts local shops? good thing we as a shop were already thinking about droping nirve for a few reasons.
At least they are sticking to MSRP right now, but it certainly does cheapen their rep. Might have to sell mine now, or stick a motor on it.
i was cool with nirve when they started selling their cruisers at places like sports authority but to do this is too much and to offer the same bike to them is just wrong. sucks for them
One thing folks have to look at is the fact that not everyone can afford to buy a bike at a bike shop. I being a college student have no choice if I want a new bike to go to a "box store". I have ONE bike shop near me within about 100 miles, and they charge so much money, that I cant even afford to window shop! Why would I want to get a seat for 45 bucks for example, when I can go to K-Mart and get one almost like it for 15.00? Now I am sure because the shop near me is the only one it explains some of the mark up, but dang! I have kids to feed, and if saving money means going to Wally world or K-mart, or Target the so be it! As long as I can get on my bike and peddle down the street, what does it matter where I got the thing? I refuse to be clickish, and point my finger at someone because they bought something from said "box store" instead I will congratualate anyone who is willing to but down the video game, get off their butt and go out and get on a bike! Ok, I'm stepping down off of my soap box now.
LOL!!! Not THIS topic again!

I've been voicing my opinion about mass-market bikes for a loooong time..... with very little luck. Some folks seem to think that these lowest-end bikes are just as good as those at a bike-shop, or at least close enough:

Buck Masterson said:
.... Why would I want to get a seat for 45 bucks for example, when I can go to K-Mart and get one almost like it for 15.00?.....

What they seem to fail to realize is that the quality difference does matter in terms of comfort, reliablility, and safety...... and in that undefinable quality called "style". The cheapo bikes (and parts) are simply not as well made as the more expensive Bike-Store Bikes, and the lower quality is easily seen by folks who know even a little bit about bikes. BUT they ARE cheaper.....

So.... if a person wants to ride a cheapo bike, then that's their perogative. It's a free country. AND if those of us who build and ride quality bikes want to think that they are less than stylish.... then that's OUR perogative. I love America!

The one thing that i really don't like is using a fine old name like Schwinn to sell these trash-bikes. It hurts the value of the real Schwinns out there.

I agree wholeheartedly with Buck Masterson when he says:

Buck Masterson said:
.... I will congratualate anyone who is willing to but down the video game, get off their butt and go out and get on a bike! Ok, I'm stepping down off of my soap box now.

THAT is at least as important as all of the above mentioned discussion/debate/ arguement about mass-retailing. He is right that the idea is to get out and RIDE..... to DO things.....

Instead of debating geo-economic policies, we should get back to building and riding cool bikes!

(LOL... but i still hate cheapo bikes! LOL)
Actually.... some of the bikes on are pretty good bikes. I saw some Del Sols on there not long ago. While they aren't my style they are certainly a notch above some of the other bikes we've been discussing.
i know when it comes down to it these companies are struggling just as we all are and they have to make a buck too. it just sucks for LBS when they sell these bikes at really low costs to big chain stores because they have a load of back stock. well maybe if these companies would give us what we want that would not happen to them!!!!! felt is a great example i know they are a smaller company but their bikes sell well, are stunning, the quality is very nice and they dont sell to big box type stores. i respect that and thats why we stock their cruisers. i understand that not everyone can aford the 45 dollar seat but yea there is a difference between them and the ones you get at chain stores. also it just puts the money in their pockets and away from LBS. wait till your local shop goes under and you go to a wally world and ask for a tire for your 65 schwinn middweight.
I wanted a Kustom Kruiser the first time I saw one, but they were $700 dollars. I have owned Cadillacs, BMWs and many fine motorcycles, and never paid more than $300 for any motor vehicle. I wasn't about to spend $700 on a bicycle. When I saw Kustom Kruisers on the web and craigslist for $300, I bought one. Now the College Cyclery is selling them for $300. If I had paid the $700 for mine, I would be seriously pissed right now. Pacific Bicycle must have a weird "Business Plan".
hey gary whats up i keep missing you at the shop. i asume you mean the roadster model and yea we got a bit of a deal on a few of them so we can lower the price on them like that to try and compeate. but there is still the trick "big daddy" that is orange, has polished aluminum wheels and the disk brake on the front.
There is a reason those bikes are on overstocked...THEY DID NOT SELL!

Same as Schwinn '06 repops being blown out on e-bay...they over estimated the demand for those kind of bikes at MSRP :oops:

On another note...this is kinda cool:

L10876086.jpg ... oduct.html
Again I appolgise for being so far behind in my reading but I just saw this. This has been a topic on diffrent bike boards for a couple of years at least. As I have read and understand Target and Nirve have an agreement for on-line sales only and the price had to stay competive, at least this is what I was told when this first came up. Target had Nirve's complete line including the limited edition George Barris designs. This was discused on Kustom Cruisers and represenitives from Nirve chimmed in to set the record straight, Randy do you remember this discussion? The way I see it is this is an outlet for Nirve to reach customers who have no access to a LBS who carry thier brand. I have been to just about every bike shop within a fifty mile radius and not a single one carry the Nirve brand...Kelly
Do you know if they do the "Wal-Mart" thing :arrow: free shipping to the nearest store, you pick it up at the store" ??

guess since im on the internet right now i oculd check there site out and see instead tho :roll: :mrgreen:
RatFink wrote

On another note...this is kinda cool:

First cruiser I ever owned!!! it was a nice ride. It's called a SharkFire. I bought it off a guy from Cali here in Vancouver and then sold it again for $300

Here it is when I got it

And then with a few upgrades



some of you may remember the seat! :mrgreen:

nogoodnic42 said:
This was discused on Kustom Cruisers and represenitives from Nirve chimmed in to set the record straight, Randy do you remember this discussion?

Sounds familiar but I don't remember any details.

Too bad KC isn't still up even just as a searchable resource. Would be fun to go back through the old posts there.

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