Nuttin But Rat!

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Jan 21, 2011
Reaction score
Benton, KS
Re: Nuttin But Ratz Here!

I really like the third photo with the building. Looks like it belongs on a calendar. :)
Re: Nuttin But Ratz Here!

Aluyasha said:
I really like the third photo with the building. Looks like it belongs on a calendar. :)

I kind of like that pic too. That is his orphaned step brothers in the background waiting to be Resurrected! :mrgreen: Thanks for lookin! 8)
Re: Nuttin But Ratz Here!

bikebuilder said:
I like the last one best. I vote for a sideways calendar. Maybe that angle in a horizontal shot?

I really like that one too! May have to re-shoot it in a horizontal format.
Re: Nuttin But Ratz Here!

Definately the third shot. That one fits the theme of the calendar best, IMO. Also, the first one is too washed out, and neither of the other two stand out to as much as the third one does to me.
Re: Nuttin But Rat Here!

MplsCoaster said:
I sure like your picture!! It has that olde wild west feel. Very Cool

Thanks Steve! Believe it or not, that was taken in my backyard! I live out in the country. We do hear a lot of gun shots though! :lol:
Re: Nuttin But Rat Here!

tvc15 said:
What dreams are made of

Thanks for the compliment! I have enough projects to keep me busy for the rest of my life! But I just can't help myself! :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: I can't pass up a good deal on a piece of history. :wink:
NewOrleansFlyer said:
Is that one of Sorcerer's lights??

YES! I Love it! I recently sent him an old steel Coors can with a matching miniature steel can. He is making the regular size can into a headlight & the smaller one into a tail light. Can't wait to build a bike around them. :lol: :lol: He does awesome work! :D

Thanks GSC for the compliment!

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