Nuttin Fancy

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Well not much on progress an I've fallen to the 2nd page but it's all good I've been checking out other biulds past an present getting ideas trying to make lighting an such things as that still stuck on lights just can't seem to come up with anything I feel fits my build I like
Here is your bunny save from page 2

As I was surfing through othr builds the 1 thing I'm seeing is springers an truss frontends is running ramped so maybe I'll look into doing a homemade girder style froniend jus to be different
thanks for the creepy bunny save Kingfish
big kountry said:
Not so good so far been out of commission for the last few days these broke toes are being troublesome to say the least :cry:

You shouldn't have taken up your buddy's challenge to try out the new Olympic sport of shin kicking.


Hope they heal soon.

looks beefy from this angle instead of cutting my seat post I drilled a hole an bolted the seat frame to the post gave me the low profile I wanted without butchering anything
Thanks KIngfish it does match good an yes Bike2112 I did it myself it was easy I cut it to fit got the glue gun hot an went to town on it hopefully it will hold up good
got my new tires ordered should be in next week sometime soon as they get in going to mount them up put the chain on an shot pics its finished I can't see adding anything to the bike as it's a hot rod an hot rods are supposed to be light an fast for my taste less is more true to the name nuttin fancy is just that stripped not equipped
Re: Nuttin Fancy frame change

Sad sad sad sad I was taking nuttin fancy for a test ride an had a major blow ou yes a blow out the seat tube blew out not good this late in the build off so I'm doing a frame change so I can repair the seat tube properly

I am disapointed in myself for wasteing so much time now I'll have to do something completly different :(
Re: Von Dutch Finker

That's my favorite bike but it happens since that happened I'm going to do a stretch on it now an replace the post but the Huffy is cool also it has great fenders so I'm going to try my hand at stripping
Okay guys I did a frame change because I didn't think a repair would be easy but I was fiddleing around with the welder today an fixed my original frame so do you guys think it's okay to stick with my orginal or do I need to stay with the frame I changed to?