Octo's "Brass Knuckle Brawler" M.I.A.

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Apr 11, 2012
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Again, ladies and gentlemen.
This site owns. :mrgreen: I've not so long, been waiting to be part of such a great community of bikers, and compete amongst many well displayed, skillful "ratrodders"
(although it's felt like forever. I've been counting the days to see the build post on the homepage!)

I stumbled across your wonderful community of online friends and pedal powered enthusiasm. Inspired by the local antique store, a thought, which lead to google research, in turn directing me here!!
possibly jumping in with both feet first, so to speak. Being new to the forum, I feel as though it's going to be a wonderful experience being apart of RRBBO#7

I'm currently within a few builds at the moment. My first bike build seemed to supply a few parts to another, creating a need for more parts/ideas from the initial build, and so on. I'm sure everyone here knows where I'm coming from ;)

The names Josh

I turn 21yrs old the month of May, I've fractured two vertebrae from a free-fall a couple stories, torn ACL ligaments, developing hip problems and slowly widdleing away enthusiasm of where to go in life.. Bikes have always been my thing. Keeping me active, and maybe a little cut up once or twice.. :lol:

I've bmx'd, rode cross country, and within the last year trying a 26" streetstyle/dirt jumper mtb, regardless, I've never left the bike, as of it's original nature. Gotta be CUSTOM CUSTOM CUSTOM. 8)
Don't ask. It's in all of who I am, I've always had unique bike's, car's you name it. Just can't leave well enough alone

My first bicycle geo-mod/ stretch

60's era Murray Jetfire:

I figured putting a little backbone into describing my first build post would show my enthusiasm, and possibly gain some knowledge and constructive criticism from the group and becoming a regular! We'll see in time, as I hope to continue with these projects and follow along with other members of RRB's.

Take care, good luck, and lets build bikes !

Fresh finds Post:
I hope I haven't started, already dishonouring the builds rules & regs. but I had to strip the bike after I had rolled it into my "garage" late one night.
And by garage, I mean my bedroom. Work with what yuh got, trying to juggle my attention between builds, a garden shed conversion/workshop, and finding employment.

Any way I wish I had taken pictures of how it stood before, the basic disassembly and paint removal.. It was a sight for sore eyes to say the least.
Am I out of line here having the frame primed before hand? :oops:

The head badge was painted in.. chrome bearing cups painted grey. :roll:


I was at a loss for words too..

Clamped on the original fork truss mount, sat.. thee :?: A chrome fender support with a 3/4" red-robby self tapper, set to "move with ease"...in the I.D. of the scooter fork. Original fork's steer tube was severely bent out of place, and axle/hub drop outs were cut off and jammed into the top tubes of a child's 16" telescopic suspension fork. lol
The next gen springer?

Rear hub is a Bendix. Seized up and a little corrosion taking place..
Seemed to be original hub and wheel to the photos, but I'm unsure and fairly green in vintage bicycles.

Double chain guard protection, for the MC Hammer in all of us. :lol:

Must say I really like the design of the sprocket, and detail on the crank tucked inside the bb.


Basically the paint was removed, using different method's of the "easy-off" technique. But the oven cleaners results, I wasn't overly impressed with.
(nice being able to see every one of the 6 layers of the brush applied Tremclad or the equivalent come off) :wink:

Original paint, to my eye, was a fire engine red- with cream accenting shapes/pin striping..? Maybe it was more of an orange?


Serials. 05666

I changed solvents to a furniture stripping gel, I found in the corner of the celler.. This stuff curdles paint like milk in a forging oven. It's quite neat to watching the reaction occur. I've also experienced using on painted chrome wheels, removing the paint, leaving the chrome to be shone! Surprisingly no peeling, but this has only been on older wheels..*Thumbs Up* Although I have my doubts about newer bikes, and their chrome.. I'm sure to see what happens along the lines!

Note: Stings the extremities a little, so keep tummies tucked in, and get some good rubber hand socks!

Wiped afterward with thinners and a rag,I let dry and hit it with primer to seal it up for the wait of the build.
Didn't get any photo's being primed, it's just RustCoat rattlecan red primer. Pretty simple. One can was used here. Like I said just to seal it up, it seemed to go on almost an opaque orange, and was hardly covering..
Another coat or two will be going on for good measure..


The repop springer came from a friends 20" "banana/ape/bmx" mixture he had laying around I bought mainly for the ridiculous apes/ sissy and banana it had. 70$. Not going to stay, but will do for the time being.

I have yet to set a concrete concept, design, theme or what have you for this build. Unlike the Jetfire I sat and stewed the stretch shape and function, as well as my personal project, have both been thought over, and recreated numerous times through another lost interest, I've again picked up upon.

Some custom art on the frame/accessories are possible, I'm unsure at this point.
Doodle went OCD

Keep you's suspenseful? :wink:
Nahh.. Updates will be regularily!! :mrgreen:

There really isn't a lot of literature on the models of the bikes Sunshine produced. Being manufactured relatively close to home, this inspired my choice as my RRBO bike 8)
Re: Octo's "Brass Knuckle Brawler"

I look forward to seeing what you do.
Re: Octo's "Brass Knuckle Brawler"

I'm from a small town in Ontario, Canada.

I've done up an intro in the forum when I signed up.
.. I've got a little work done this morning :)

caught my eye two weeks ago, when I stopped in to show the "antiquer" new to town, what I had done with the Murray he sold me.
Impressed, he sat and chummed ideas at me, about several things I could do to really "pimp out" the bike. Uninterested I started wandering the shop as he talked.. :lol: rootin' tootin' good times, I immediately looked at these like :idea:

he wouldn't budge on the price. I tried husslin' him early last week again for him, but no go.
So I went in with the last of my cash, 25$ and a couple loonies toonies ect. He had a bike there for me too!

as I walked in he says "Hey, i was thinking about you on the weekend!!" very merrily. :?
...Kay, I thought.. little strange. Took me to the counter to show me this clunker!

He talked up the bike a bit infront of me as I walked straight to the holy grail, again rudely ignoring him as I looked in the bookshelf, looked at him8) "You wont budge on these babies eh?"
"Nope,I'm afraid not" he said. These we're a composite or something, a friends or customers to be sold for an as is price, whatever.
"how much for the vega?"

"25 bucks and I can bring em both home!?"

after that, his girlfriend /"wife" and himself proceed to ask me if I'm lookin' for work!

SOOO got some neat grips, old leather rope, a vegabond for parts or whatever. And walked out eventually making money off them! lol
This guys a picker I guess eh.
And like myself had an accident fracturing his back, but requiring several painful surgeries, unlike myself. "He needed a man for liftin into the truckn'trailer!" I mentioned my availability, sat and shot the .... for some time, untill my finggers were about to detach from theirs sockets, climb the hill and type this out themselves. I just decided to be on my mary way along with them, :lol: said goodbye!!

recieving a "we'll get talking to you before friday"
next thing you know it the skip rope went in the basket and up the hill we went,
slamming on the keyboard keen to see a response or two!

Anywhooom this is what I had done this morning.
- Addon "Drag Style" kinda handlbars, unsure..
- Dismantled wheels, donated from a friend's hoarding father! :) love that man!
-Reworked, and cleaned up the hub's.
- Guick grease.
- Threw BB crank/ pedals in
- Chain punch and very temporary seat, to take it for a spin!


Autosol & Elbow grease:

Temporary tires,
picked up a 70's-80's workout bike made away with a speedo, and interesting sprocket and 3 piece... Speedometer needs that special something.


Morning photo of first ride:

Cleanup/ my workshop :oops:

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

More of the vegabond, unsure of what to do with it, parts or?




I wasn't going to release it before I had my hand on these puppies.
I'm pumped!
Re: Octo's "Brass Knuckle Brawler"

Never seen those before. Maybe it was just for the photo, but you might wanna turn the finger grips away from your palm before you ride.
Re: Octo's "Brass Knuckle Brawler"

thanks everyone!
excited to share what I have up and coming! :mrgreen:

I had just had them this wayjust lookedcool streamlined. :p
Re: Octo's "Brass Knuckle Brawler"

Xcruiser said:
Where ya at man? Was really hoping to see more of this one.

What he said you are off to a great start and I am interested to see where you are taking this sweet build..
Octo's Missing "Brass Knuckle Brawler"

Unfortunately it's been a difficult summer. got shipped outta home, livin' in tight quarters among the marina, with no room to breathe, and NO TOOLS :shock: .
I really don't know whether i'll have a bike completed for my first build off entry..

During my move, the Sunshine has been stolen, I hadn't realized cause I've been so consumed by current personal events..

I really like what I've seen with a bunch of the entrys, *thumbs up*
I haven't made it through them all . But after reading through a couple I figured an update on my thread was necessary :oops:

I still have alot to show, I just need to find another bike after I get back on my feet y'know. Too badd that frame was built so close to my home too!
Cheer's fellow rat's
octapusonfire said:

enter Jake sensi comment here: BETTER GTB EH

Yeah and time is ticking!! I know you will finish! Faith and determination. Its in you so ... Peace
Re: Octo's Missing "Brass Knuckle Brawler"

octapusonfire said:
During my move, the Sunshine has been stolen, I hadn't realized cause I've been so consumed by current personal events..

Sorry to hear, it was a nice build. Good luck, things are bound to get better!

Dude, when you get settled into a bit more space, let me know, I've got 3 of several different wrenches I could pass along to you. I might have a few other tools you can have as well. Artists need tools. Don't give up, hang in there..