Oh boy a Schwinn

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Feb 9, 2008
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Well another of my favorite bikes moved in today. It was a C/L find. I ran the serial number and g216048 seems to translate to 7/62
The paint is shot so nobody would give me a hard time if I repaint. It has those 26x 1 3/8 tires. The rust on stuff may clean up. Looks like this is one they didnt want to waste a sticker on the chainguard to tell you what model they called it. I have never seen that seat on one so its probably something he had laying around. Its redeeming feature was the two speed kickback hub buried under a ton of greese. He said it worked ...not sure I'm going to believe him on that. The fork is bent a little forward. I dont know how you do that....weird


Looks like a" Racer " to me. Nice headset, that particular style is not too too common. Someone has swapped the chainring at some point, should have S-5 wheels. Good parts bike, thats what I used a 60 model I got in similar condition for. Later & PEACE!!!!
How long until it gets hacked up? I took a page from your book, Unc and I started chopping up a couple of my old Schwinn frames this past weekend. :D
Nice find by the way.
That's quite a mutt ya have there.

The 2 speed hub's are nice...if they work. Hopefully you won't need parts as I hear they are not easy to find.

Looks to be a fairly short frame too.

I'm thinking you must have paid next to nothing for this.
Parts is parts unless it comes from a Schwinn (funny sizes).

Good find on the Bendix. Red or Yellow?
Since I dont really sell parts here ....he wanted $75 to begin with and I got it for $40. I figured the parts would bring that. Yeah they say the spring inside the kickback is always broken....Crassly help me. I mainly bought it for the hub. I have always wanted one.And gee its a Chicago Schwinn..... Its a red band
a big boy jumped high and landed evenly to bend the fork i bet. you can tell if the 2 speed is working off of the bike by turning the the sprocket all the way forward, marking where the teeth line up with the spoke ends, rotate the sprocket all the way back, and then all of the way forward again. if it lines up in the same spot, it's not working. hope it works.
Ok I marked the crank and the wheel. If I turn the crank one turn and mark where the tire is and then hit it backwards and do it again its differant by about 8'' so something is changing.
Steve the girls bike looked better. Not near as much rust ...had a 3 speed sturmy though with a little spedo. Not to bad . The guy that runs the bike shop is someone I know and the bikes are there on consignment. He said the guy would take $70 for both. If I gave him $40 for the mens I dont know if he would take $30 for the girls. It wasnt pristine by any stretch of the imagination and I dont think it would clean up to your standards. :lol:
Looks like a Columbia seat, sprocket and fenders to me. Pretty funny seein the forks like that, i had a buddy of mine do that after he landed the jump he was on his moms Hollywood :shock: at least it didnt break
Clean 60s and 70s model Breezes have been bringing $300 - $400 on Ebay this past year.
I'd take the red band hub off and sell what's left for $40! :shock: The kickbacks aren't too bad to rebuild. I can help you if you get stuck. I also have many of the red band kickback parts if you need any. Most all the kickbacks that I've had worked fine after a cleaning and regreasing. I have 10 rebuilt kickbacks right now, 7 are on bikes. Make sure the hub is in low gear when you take it apart so you don't break the coupling. You can make a tool to remove the lock nut on the drive side out of an old socket by grinding 2 tabs on it. You can also make a tool from an old sparkplug by knocking the porcelain out of the center and using the hook to remove the nut. Use white lithium grease for everything except the indexing spring. Use light oil like 3-in-1 for that. Gary
Hey thanks b607 It worked out really good .The seat crank sprocket are off of a columbia...and I just happen to have a columbia frame and forks that needs some parts so I'm smiling. I cut the spokes on it last night and looked at the hub. I was hoping that there was a really nice pretty shiney chrome hub under all the grease...wrong ..Is pretty crusty. Might just stick the whole thing in a bucket of gas to start with. I saw they have loose bearings inside...those always scare me. :cry:
The guys at my LBS said if the 2 speed hubs work...don't take them apart...maybe they are just being paranoid. :?
There are 11 loose balls in there. I always clamp the axle/hub in my vise with lead jaws with the drive side up. As you take the parts apart, you'll see the loose bearings between the drivers. With the drive side up, they won't fall out. Soaking in gas probably won't hurt anything. That 40 yr. old grease is usually petrified.
Most bike shops won't touch a kickback. I won't take a Sturmey Archer 3 speed apart...and I'm too set in my ways to learn, so I guess I can't blame them. Gary
Yeah we all have our prefrences. I will jerk a Nexus apart in a heartbeat. I look at them and if the grease is in good shape aand not all dirty ,I will stick them back together. If not I wash them all out and regrease them and then put them back together. Its really all in what you get use to working on. I also love cleaning a new departure or a bendix