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Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
Rating - 0%
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Let's just say you never know when you're going to pass a homeless dude on a premium 80s BMX bike. :) I'll post some pics tomorrow when there is light. Also want to send a shout out to all responsible for the cruise today. I had a great time.
HutchXL24 said:
Let's just say you never know when you're going to pass a homeless dude on a premium 80s BMX bike. :) I'll post some pics tomorrow when there is light. Also want to send a shout out to all responsible for the cruise today. I had a great time.

Sooooooooooooooooooooo Jealous of you! Find of a lifetime!
Uhmmmm....."homeless" dude on a primo BMX bike?
Did anyone think to ask how he managed to "aquire" the bike? :shock:
Tonka said:
Uhmmmm....."homeless" dude on a primo BMX bike?
Did anyone think to ask how he managed to "aquire" the bike? :shock:

Like he would have told me. :lol:

I always check bikes I buy for owner markings that might help it get back home. I've looked the bike over for serial numbers, names, and phone numbers and there is nothing other than the factory serial #.
Thanks for posting the link.

He'll never get that much for it. The frame, fork, and stem are worth about half that, if he find the right buyer. The rest is nickle and dime stuff.
It's helping that it's a euro bb pro frame.

I'm hunting for one of those repop decal sets that he's selling w/ that bike, but so far, no luck

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