OK guys...Lets see some cool bike art

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I've been making and selling these "art frames" for the past few years.

SSG I reckon you're idea is pretty cool, there is somr pretty funky stuff on here. I thought I'd contribute, I don't know if you'd call it art... I think my ears are going to stay intact... :lol: ... :roll:



They're really ideas for a sort of burrito...
A tandem... hmmmm... There's just too many ideas on this site! I have some frame bits & pieces sort of laying in position for my first burrito build on my back verandah, and my mates come over and hassle me because it's taking longer to be built than a certain wall in China... And here I am, still "researching" :roll:

Oh well... here's a few more ideas...


Then at about 4 o'clock this morning I saw something on another page of this site and it gots me a thinkin'...


...and the wheels keep turning... :D


^ A few of the literally hundreds of Erosie's bicycle-sketches...


^ Here's one of Erosie's bike throw-up behind my ATB. Erosie is an allround artist/illustrator/graphicdesigner from Holland with an interest in bikes, Although he loves, builds, and rides fixed gear bikes (long before the hype) he likes all sorts of well proportioned/designed bikes and it shows in his art. In the underground scene his bike-projects are quite notorious.


Erosie:"Eroded City Cycles started by drawing bikes in my sketchbook and continued 3-dimensionally with the frame-stickers on forgotten ghost-bikes parked in the street. Next to that I tried to link a very basic form of drawing with the elements of tagging combined with the use of public space by doing the throwup-bikes."


^ Although this used to be his own trackbike, this sticker is part of an artproject. In holland we have a lot of trashed, neglected, or abandoned bikes that no-one cares about. Street-artist Erosie sees potential in these junkbikes he finds alongside the road so he makes them 'his own' by pasting his logo on em.

other throwup-bike examples:


^ the text by the propertyowner reads: 'NO BICYCLES HERE PLEASE'...








^ One of Erosie's stickers from his 'sugested parkingspot' project. An idea born out of the fact that our Dutch bicycle parkingspots are overcrowded..


Another friend/grafitti crewmember 'B U T C H' wanted to turn one of Erosie's bikesketches into a 3D sculpture, so he did. Erosie came up with this 'technicallish' drawing of one of his sketches:


^ tecnical drawing by Erosie

B U T C H 's Sculpture:


^ too bad it ain't ridable coz it would've been really cool to enter this one in the 'anything goes' build-off...


^ Headbadge detail


^ Rearwheel detail


^ Under construction pic


^ Under construction pic


^ Just finished


^ Just finished


^ Just finished
ratdaddy said:
that, my friends, is AWESOME!! Yay for art! Yay for bicycles! Yay for Erosie!

I thought so too! Glad to work with these guys and have them as friends for almost 20 years...
Have been searching for pics I knew I had, somewhere and I finaly found em. These are pieces of me and the rest of the Solcrew, including Erosie, Zime, Late, and Bombkid, and additional friends.


^ Solcrew at Urbis in Manchester, England.

We were invited to fly from Holland to Manchester, England to participate in a streetart expo. The lunchroom of the Expofacility were pretty amazed about what we were doing and commishioned us to do their wall also. Erosie could not stay for a whole week so I did one of his bikes for him. Look for it again in the lower rightcorner:


^ Solcrew at Urbis in Manchester, England.


^ Detail: Eroded City Cycle painted by ME!


^ Another wall we did, featuring an Eroded City Cycle, in my hometown Eindhoven, Holland.

^ For Anklebiter Kustom Kouture by GER PETERS

In less then 14 days I'll be having my next expo together with Ger Peters, another friend of mine and super talented hotrod-artist. The expo is part of a small traditional hotrodshow, held at the Autotron in Rosmalen, Holland. Autotron is an automotive museum and has it's annual swapmeet for oldtimers and antique car restorers the same weekend. I'm wondering what they're going to say about all that chopped up and cut down original iron at the hotrod section...

Should be fun 8)

click here for GER PETERS' website
Adapt said:

Your work is awesome...

Ehm, thanks Adapt... But I haven't posted my work yet! Those bikes are from several friends of mine. I did a blue-white one but it was an exact copy by and for Erosie. I will post my own bike-art as soon as I get my harddrive up and running...

^ Pedal Pushers


^ Pedal Pushers in progress


^ SuperSickle (Sold it at the Scrapers Indoor Nostalgia Show in Belgium)


^ Detail

At the moment I'm busy with the final touches on my 3rd Bicycle painting which'll have it's debut at my next exhibition. It's my 'Cartboardtracker', slightly hotrodded in a fall-setting. So, for all you Dutch Kustom Kulture lovers:


^ Hope to see ya there!
herr_rudolf those are some great pieces! They're super clean and I'm loving the font work. Are you painting these in acrylic on watercolor paper? It's so awesome to see the progression pictures. I finished a painting last night (non bike related) and for the first time took some pictures as I was doing it.
kram said:
herr_rudolf those are some great pieces! They're super clean and I'm loving the font work. Are you painting these in acrylic on watercolor paper? It's so awesome to see the progression pictures. I finished a painting last night (non bike related) and for the first time took some pictures as I was doing it.

Thanks Mark!
These are painted in acrylics on cartboard that doesn't contain the usual paper-acids. 'illustrationboard'. I think that's what it's called... I love to make and see progressionpics, so hip hip hurray for the digital camera! I'd like to see yours sometime. Are you going to post them sometime soon on your blog?