OK guys...Lets see some cool bike art

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There's some really great stuff posted here!!!!
Looking at some of those pics reminded me of the old 'Bob Haro' stuff that was everywhere when I was a kid!!!




Wow, great cropcycle, but how did you do it? I guess the killing of the grass or cutting could've been done many ways, but the proportions are perfect, it would be really hard to get it right at that size, how did you manage to plot it out?
We started at 1 a.m.

I had 4 other friends help. We used a rope for the circles. One person stood in a spot holding a rope, and I tied the other end on to a push mower. I just kept the rope tight and did two large circles.

Once I had both wheels done. I stood out on the highway and had one friend run the mower, and the others hold their cell phones in the air while I directed them into each point. Then just connect the dots and widen the path. We finished at about 4:30 a.m.

The wheels are 8 passes around with the lawn mower and about 60 feet across.

We didn't kill the grass. It's still about 8" high in the photos. These two pics were taken the day after, so it wasn't green to begin will.

However, it did stay there for a long time and the following Summer the City mowed it saying "It was a distraction". A lot of the locals really liked it though and we never got in trouble.

So after the Crop Cycle, it turned into the Snowcycle


Here are some of my other pieces that I did for a Bike Polo Tournament-



Beau said:
We didn't kill the grass. It's still about 8" high in the photos. These two pics were taken the day after, so it wasn't green to begin will.

Well I love it, I would've used something to kill the grass, then later reseeded it with rye grass so it would be green year round.

I figured the circles with strings, but good job on getting the rest of it connected as good as you did. I figure you could also have had someone across the street with a laser pointer to show where to mow.
Beau said:
If we ever did it again, we would use some sort of plant and seed in the Spring.

The laser pointer is a great idea.

If you really wanted to get technical you could take a photo of the hillside ahead of time, photoshop your design onto it (you could really get creative) then print it onto a transparency sheet and set it up on a tripod so that the guy looking through it from across the street can see exactly where the design goes and uses his laser pointer to show everyone else. The design could get much more complex this way.

^ My original RustRocket Deluxe t-shirt sketch.

For anybody who has missed it: Some very CQQL guys are building this bike entirely out of donated parts. It's really comming together lately. Better yet, when finished make em an offer. Highest bidder wins. Money is for ratrodbikes dot com.
Check it out: