Once again, a Monark Springer fork PROBLEM

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Nov 2, 2011
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So after reading reviews, and all the negative feedback, I STILL went out and purchased a re-pop springer. It was on sale off of chainganglowrider.com, and I had just flipped some free bike parts on Ebay so I had some spare cash and went for it.

It was 130$ but I really only ended up paying about half of it out of pocket,That is why I took the gamble. I figured that by the way the website was advertising it, it was a new version, they called it the newer "beefed up" version.

Well as you can see, it is absolute trash and not "beefed" up at all, I did not strip this down put I did repaint it, and what I thought were the weld marks are gone now, there is just a gap between the blades and forks.

I had this mounted for about 6 weeks, with maybe 100 miles on it and it is DONE! The steer tube is bent terribly, the right blade is completely disconnected from the upper crown, the left blade is almost there and the crown itself looks warped.

I remeber checking my fork, and it looked fine, we went on a day long cruise and that night when I got home, I noticed that the fork was severely bent fwd. Anyways I pretty pissed off about the whole thing. I sent CHAINGANGLOWRIDER 2 emails already, I hope to hear from this soon. I am not getting my hopes up about anything though.

My recommendation, do not buy this POS.

Here are some pics of the "BEEFED UP FORK"



I swear that the weld bead marks WERE there, haha. They must have just been body filler I guess.
chukndatruk said:
i wonder if this one would be the same? since they used them on motorized bikes.........

Here's what the description has to say about it:

"This is a modern reproduction of the classic 1952 Monark springer fork. Our new forks have been completely overhauled with extra welding in the crown area for heavy duty motorized bicycle use while retaining the classic looks of the original design. Again... Our forks are re-welded heavier than all other dealers selling these forks!!!"
chukndatruk said:
i wonder if this one would be the same? since they used them on motorized bikes.........

i purchased a set for a motorized build. The re-weld looked great and the service was top notch from Venice. But being a heavier rider, I was uncomfortable with these forks on a motor assisted bike. They are working great so far on my peddle pusher.
i bought one from him about 2 years now and have not had any problems and i'm 275 lbs. of course i did the beefing up my self the same day i got it!
e now have available a HD Type II Monark Dual Springer fork which has been designed for motorized and HD use. We have listened to our customers, and have redesigned and greatly improved the standard fork. The improvements are 1.Thicker triple chrome springs which provide much better action. 2.All connection points have been reinforced with substantial additional welding. 3.The bottom rockers are now laser cut stainless steel, mounted externally for more wheel clearance.4.The rockers ride on brass bushings for even smoother action. The new Type II is light years ahead from our earlier repros, I believe all will be impressed with it. You can find this fork at http://www.monarkforks.com
yoothgeye said:
I'll pay shipping on one, you send it out and I'll do up a nice review for you, all the guys on here trust me. :mrgreen:
I like the forwardness. Probably a wise idea as all the previously reported problems.
yoothgeye said:
I'll pay shipping on one, you send it out and I'll do up a nice review for you, all the guys on here trust me. :mrgreen:

I guess if everybody here had your way of thinking every company in the USA would not go past day one!
Monark Guy said:
e now have available a HD Type II Monark Dual Springer fork which has been designed for motorized and HD use. We have listened to our customers, and have redesigned and greatly improved the standard fork. The improvements are 1.Thicker triple chrome springs which provide much better action. 2.All connection points have been reinforced with substantial additional welding. 3.The bottom rockers are now laser cut stainless steel, mounted externally for more wheel clearance.4.The rockers ride on brass bushings for even smoother action. The new Type II is light years ahead from our earlier repros, I believe all will be impressed with it. You can find this fork at http://www.monarkforks.com

So the old crappy ones are now available with larger springs but no other improvements for an extra $10 while the Type 2, which is how they all should be made, costs $180! Outrageous!
I didn't know that you could weld together a fork crown of that design. 3 __3

Murray, columbia, etc. that used that design all brazed them.
Monark Guy said:
We have listened to our customers

If you had listened to your customers you wouldn't still be selling old stock of the original fork that was prone to failure :shock: .

:arrow: If its not safe -don't sell it.
I wonder what would happen if somebody took a fall because of one of these forks, and their Lawyer realized these guys were continuing to supply a known defective product to customers... :shock: