One Classy Broad- DONE!

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Nov 3, 2011
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
7   0   0
Picking up where I left off here:

Everything was going so smoothly until...

The stud in the springer fork broke :( Seriously bummed about this. I can't imagine how I could fix this and not ruin the paint, so this means I'm looking for another original paint springer fork. Please help!
One Classy Broad

One spot of good news today, got the headlight working. Thanks for the bulb Crassly!
One Classy Broad

Haven't made as much progress this week as I would have liked, but it's getting there. Just have the springer bits, the head badge/shroud, and the rear reflector left to clean up. The only thing I've reassembled is the crank/chain wheel. Still deciding whether or not I'll tear the wheels completely down... I'll at least do the hubs and have them trued. The repro headlight lense came in today, nice fit.
Re: One Classy Broad

It's for the girlfriend. I don't think it's custom enough to be build off material! Plus, I'm too slow with it. Been helping my buddy get his 2276 IDA motor together for a road trip to The Classic in two weeks. It's the first time me and all my close VW buds have had all of our cars running at the same time, so we decided to drive them all :)
One Classy Broad

Getting back on this after a terrible ending to a car weekend a couple weeks ago. It's 110° outside, so I talked the missus into letting me finish it up in the front room :) It's cleaning up better than I would have guessed. I think the weld job on the springer fork will do, it's not even very noticeable. Paint shines, headlight is bright, horn is loud. The perfect amount of original patina. The little lady is getting very excited :)

Just have the seat and the wheels left to do, which leads to my next question... I tore the front wheel down so I could thoroughly clean it. I rebuilt the hub, cleaned everything and started my first re-lacing effort. I copied the rear wheel to the "T", set all of the nuts at the same depth on the spokes (any deeper and I couldn't get a screwdriver in there), and I've got a problem. Some spokes look close, but others are acting like they are way too long... Where did I screw up?


And the rear wheel for comparison:
Re: One Classy Broad

good looking bike! the wheels is simple, you went over four spokes in the back and only over three in the front. if you unlace the outside spokes and move them over one (further away) you problem should be fixed.
8cudos for rebuilding the wheels yourself, it takes a while to get used to then its like second nature
Re: One Classy Broad

Got it! I tore it back down and started over. I found out it uses a 4 cross pattern. Now I can tear the rear wheel down, it should go much faster. It's definitely not to bad once you get the hang of it. I feel like a real bike wrench now! Ha!
One Classy Broad

Ratfink1962 hooked me up with some discs! So I was able to complete the hub rebuild yesterday evening. It's just about done, the only thing left is to true the wheels... I went out to the shed this morning before it got too hot and sewed up the leather seat cover. The scraps of leather I bought weren't big enough on their own, so I sewed two together and added a gold threaded french seam to match the pin striping. I'm happy with the outcome :)
Re: One Classy Broad

Dude this is a nice bike!!! Did you pick it up from Jersey on Feebay??? I was so pissed at myself for not bidding on the one on Ebay, if you got it...very cool! Take it to a welding shop...they might be able to fix the springer without messing up the paint...or a machine shop. They can drill out the stub and remount a post in the hole. Good Luck....
Re: One Classy Broad

Thanks guys! I'm very new to the vintage bike thing, having a lot of fun with it though. This bike is cleaning up much better than I would have ever guessed. My little lady is jonesin pretty bad to ride it!

Not an ebay find... I found it at a local monthly automotive swap meet on Mothers Day. My buddy welded the fork back up and I manicured the weld down. Didn't harm the paint too much.

Where can I find a how to article on making a truing stand from an old rear triangle?
One Classy Broad


Nearly finished... I ended up borrowing a Park TS-2 for wheel truing duties. Front wheel turned out stellar. I can't get the jaws to open wider for the rear hub though? Since I'm stuck with that I figured I should get the chain on... Mounted up the rear wheel, worked out the correct length, pulled out 3 lengths, put it back together and lubed it up.... Getting far too much noise from the chain ring though, and it looks like it's wearing on the outside of each tooth near the tops... Like the sprocket is out of alignment to the left(?), but I centered the hub perfectly (same length of axle thread on each side) when I rebuilt it. I tried moving the hub/sprocket over some, but now the one acorn bottoms out before the hub is tight in the dropout :?

So close yet so far away!