One-Eyed Sailor's Fleet!

Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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I've been addicted to a few things, and in recovery for one. I hope there's no cure for the latest one.
Amen to that we could be addicted to a lot worst things.

but ya most my done bikes collect dust and lose air in tires sitting in storage. while new to me or rebuilds park/ line up in my work space at home . to be built more my way. then I have a shed that houses the ones I plan to ride the most that month. then. I swap the shed bike out. with bikes from storage to keep it some wat fresh.
Looks like you are in Utah too? I came close to buying that king size. It was a good price, but I already have too many. Cool to see that you got it.
Yes! I call SLC Rockville from the REM song (Don't go Back to) heh. I'm glad you saved the American for me.
Loved seeing your builds and your art!
Don't be shy, no one will pick on you. The yellow HS is real nice. I think you are going to love that King Sized

Sorry for lack of descriptions.
1973 Super Sport, 24" frame, clean and straight. Sunset Orange bonus!!
1962 Super Continental rat bike. Cheap, gorgeous, filthy. Bury me with this bike.
1980 Schwinn Hollywood (made from 1938-1982!!) From China Lake Naval Weapons Station according to PO. Gift for my grandkiddo.