One of My First Resto's

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Aug 31, 2010
Reaction score
IL (St. Louis metro)
Just wanted to post some pics, winter's dragging on, a big storm is rolling in and I'm getting the cabin fever.
Long story short this was one of my first resto's from about 5 years ago. After it was finished my dad liked it so much he bought it and now it hangs in his home office. I don't see it that often so when I was at my folks this weekend I happen to have my camera and dragged it upstairs to take some photos of it.
When you don't see something you've been so involved with for quite a while you start to admire it in new and different ways, I still really like this bike.
Started out as a long forgotten pile, was originally owned by a former racer and adrenalin junky. He was retired and was killed in a plane crash, a plane he was piloting. Those bikes originally had a thick clear coat of lacquer, which by now was badly yellowed and scratched, I was hoping the wear didn't extend past the clear coat, really pleased how it came out.

1980 Schwinn Voyageur 11.8 Lightweight


Gdcast said:
Very clean looking bike, so, it´s not chromed? Paint less and lacquer ha? Beautiful bike

Nope, it's definitely chrome. I used standard spray can stripper, the lacquer wiped right off leaving that unblemished chrome underneath. A quick polish (and replacement of all components) and voila'.
outskirtscustoms said:
Man I think that top tube comes up to my chest? then six inches of seat height too? how big is that thing?

I think the photos are somewhat misleading, my camera is zoomed to near or at 18mm in those pics so the image begins to distort or "fish-eye" at that point, also the camera is positioned pretty low. That's not to say it isn't a large bike, I'm somewhat tall at 6'3" but I still ride a 58-60cm road bike, not that big. This bike does have a long head tube though, something that, from a design and geometry standpoint on road bikes I do not like one bit.
blackdiamond said:
First thing: WOW
My mind says- Race it, Race it, Race it :!: :!: :!:

I've only ever subscribed to the "steel is real" club as it applies to Klunkers, I do think modern road bikes made from alum. or other non-steel alloys and carbon fiber for that matter make for pretty great riding bikes. After riding more modern road bikes for several years and then building and riding this bike, it was shocking how odd, different, weird, or even off-putting this bike rides.
It's a road bike, not a race bike. It'd be a great cycle camping or casual bike for a big heavy guy. It's a beautiful bike and you could get used to riding it, but it'd never be competitive against some of the better bikes of it's own day, let alone a modern bike.