One of your fellow members almost died yesterday.

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Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Madison Heights Michigan
Rating - 0%
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Well i was in woodshop making these little dear head cutouts in wood, i was going to pour some clear plastic in the openings inside of them right, So i the woodshop teacher pours some of the resin in a cup and hands it 2 me and says hold this i gotta take this call (cell rang) so im standing there with my pepsi in one hand and a cup with super toxic resin in the other.. Im talking to my buddy taylor and i meant to take a drink of pepsi.. OOPS! I GOT A MOUTHFULL OF Plastic resin, I spitted it all over the floor, droped the cup ran 2 the sink and started rinsing my mouth, As i was rinsing it i was spitting it out and there was like bubbles coming out of the water in the sink, Thank god the hardener wasnt in there, if it was the doc said i would have died, And thank god i didnt swallow none or ida been in the hospital gettin my stomach pumped.. Mom took me to the doctors and had me checked, i got the clear from the doctor and a pass that said i could go back 2 school on monday.. I had 2 go get my bike and give em my note, I walked in and gave them my pass and yeah. I never been so high in my life i ended up staying the rest of the day and messing around i was signed out so i didnt have 2 goto class. Im glad im okay..

rick = HUA lol
use your head for thinkin and your arse for stinkin!
Don't worry Ricky, stupidity comes natural to us Michigan guys. :wink: The other day I grabbed my water jug and just about took a drink, when I realized it was windshield washer fluid!
Glad you're o.k.!
Did you atleast get a mold of your tongue? That would have been a lot cooler than a deerhead cutout! :mrgreen:
Haha i think them fumes did some brain damage.. I passed up a blue schwinn hollywood with s-7s mint tires 5 spoke sprocket I could have got it for 20 DOLLARS! I been kicking myself in the arse allllllllllllllllllll day about this.. What am i going to do with myself..
note to ricky on some of 60s Schwinns the pedals themselves if in decent shape and you can read the schwinn logo can bring well over the price of those bikes ..... then you swap any parts you want to keep.. clean it up and craigslist it locally and make more money for the next time :)