Orange Fixed Gear

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Oct 8, 2007
Reaction score
These are what I ride mostly everyday. Being in Chicago where it's virtually flat everywhere you turn, fixed gears are very popular. They are lovely to ride, and its my preferred way, besides my old rats. This particular bike is an IRO Angus, they are based out of the east coast. It has a little bit more relaxed track geometry so I dont get toe overlap (this is when you turn your wheel and your pedal is forward and you hit your toes on the tire). Anyways....enjoy!



The angle seems a bit severe, but this is a true velodrome set up I have it in. I alternate between short little riser bars and a much less of a drop stem for everyday riding, but it's just very classy looking this way. Here's a picture of my bike, and my girlfriends bike, which I built up for her birthday. It's a single speed coaster brake using a vintage Bendix 70 hub and modern parts everywhere else. It's a great bike to ride, the frame is an 82 Scwhinn LeTour.

aka_locojoe said:
Both nice bikes but I really like your girlfriend's.

Haha, I had to re-read that for a second! :shock: :D But yeah, hers is a reflection of her personality, very fun, bright and vibrant.
Sweetness. I have to ask, How can you ride in that position? Im 17 and i still couldnt do it, Is there a certain way of riding like that? :lol: Im just not man enough..? :oops: :cry:
ricksterr1221 said:
Sweetness. I have to ask, How can you ride in that position? Im 17 and i still couldnt do it, Is there a certain way of riding like that? :lol: Im just not man enough..? :oops: :cry:

It's really not that bad. Where the grips are, I rarely ride. I typically ride with my hands on either side of the stem on the cold hard steel! haha. But in actuality, it's what I'm used to. It makes riding my rats SO much more comfortable. It's literally night and day with my bikes, and wouldnt have it any other way. I get SO bored with bikes it's nice to have that severe dichotomy.
Thanks, that feeling really sucks for sure. :( I'm kinda just in a state of shock. I think I am just going to stick with ratty bikes now, no one wants to steal a rusty old jallopy. :)
I'm very sorry to hear that, but that truly makes mad... those guys will pay. I'll keep my eyes open on Ebay and Chicago Craigslist.

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