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Here's some pics from back when I built the low rider

slammed out



Here's what they look like from the factory
I had this little bike listed on Craigslist and finally had a trade offer

For these two:
A GT mountain bike that looked in decent shape minus a seat and he had the wheels and tires but no tubes.

And this "universal" 24" ladies bike.

He drove over today and we made a trade. The GT is nicer than I expected with some really nice components, I only wish it was a different color.

GT Karakoram??? Never heard of it

Shimano Deore


My favorite style shifters although I think the cable is off inside of one or it needs rebuilt

Mavric hoops made in france

More Shimano Deore


Rock Shox Magnesium 21 fork, I think the seals are shot because it goes down but sticks. Can you order re-build kits for these???

Parallax hub

and even more Deore

The other bike has this headbadge that only says universal and is faded out

Chainguard kinda reminds me of an Iverson with the little bump near the front.

Never seen this either ZZR on the brake arm???
Nice. Never heard of Universal but it does look like a Tyler a Romet and a few others so I guess multiple companies used the same frame work & design.

I didn't want to post a pic to your thread so here is a link to the old gallery thread I made for unusual & Orphan bikes like that. As you can see the Tyler I posted has the same similarities to that Universal bike.
I see alot of those universals here in canada. its a common older bike i com e across here. they are simuler to exclusive one and possible Favorit. GT is sweet though. old mountain bikes last a while
Hsean said:
I see alot of those universals here in canada. its a common older bike i com e across here. they are simuler to exclusive one and possible Favorit. GT is sweet though. old mountain bikes last a while

I know that one to be true, My Diamondback is from the early to mid 80's and still gets ridden daily!
Im almost done building my specialized back up. The one I got a few weeks ago. Its got basicly the best stuff on it from when it was built. only paid $25 for both bikes to. it was a good day!! lol people think the new fancy stuff is good and don't care about older things. older ones will outlast them by alot. youll learn to live with the purple color. it grows on you! thats how I was with my nakamura when I first got it. in the end The purple was great. Yes a nakamura. most hear the name and think garbage. it must of been one of their first models that was very good.
Hsean said:
Im almost done building my specialized back up. The one I got a few weeks ago. Its got basicly the best stuff on it from when it was built. only paid $25 for both bikes to. it was a good day!! lol people think the new fancy stuff is good and don't care about older things. older ones will outlast them by alot. youll learn to live with the purple color. it grows on you! thats how I was with my nakamura when I first got it. in the end The purple was great. Yes a nakamura. most hear the name and think garbage. it must of been one of their first models that was very good.

Yeah at first I hated my Diamondback because it was bright yellow (I normally like black, red, or chrome) but now that one has grown on me to the point I have dumped twice as much as it's worth into it fixing it up and still plan to put more into it upgrading the shifters and getting new cables and such.
I looked up the GT Karakoram on bikepedia and it is a late 1994 or early 1995, (1995 was first year for the Rock Shox Mag 21 but they went to 8 speeds on the cluster gear that year and mine only has 7 like a 1994, I assume it was a mid year switch or something to that effect.)

Original MSRP was $899.00 for the 1994 and $978.99 for the 1995! :shock: So evidently this was a high end bike in it's day???
Tune that GT up just right and you will be surprised how sweet they ride. The next one I get may stay in my collection, I kind of miss riding the one I sold a couple weeks ago.
So far I got new tires and tubes on it, just got to find a seat post to fit and fix the shifter. I rode it just around my yard in (stuck in low gear) and it feels smooth I can't wait to get it road ready and all the gears working. I was also surprised by how light this bike is. I can lift the whole thing with one finger.
Oh its around the same age of the Specialized I have. Wonder what level mine was. it had deore XT. I looked the price up on the net. I would never pay what they wanted for it back then lol. even today I wouldn't. best part about fixing bikes is you don't pay much or nothing to fix your bike. Friend asks me why im riding on a flat tire and that ill ruin rim and tire. I got a flat half way to work. I aint walking. i told him. Who cares! I got plenty of them! and i fix bikes!! lol
Hsean said:
Oh its around the same age of the Specialized I have. Wonder what level mine was. it had deore XT. I looked the price up on the net. I would never pay what they wanted for it back then lol. even today I wouldn't. best part about fixing bikes is you don't pay much or nothing to fix your bike. Friend asks me why im riding on a flat tire and that ill ruin rim and tire. I got a flat half way to work. I aint walking. i told him. Who cares! I got plenty of them! and i fix bikes!! lol

Which one? The Stumpjumper or the Rockhopper? Here's a link to the site I found mine on, just put in your year make and model and it gives all sorts of useful information, part list, original MSRP, and all.


I agree I'd never spend what some of these bikes cost. I know a guy about 3 blocks from me that spends crazy money on bikes and I always in the back of my mind laugh at him. He's got a trike he literally has like $3,000+ into so far and he's still tinkering on it. Ceramic bearings and crazy stuff. Funny thing is my '80's Diamondback I got for $50 will smoke him.

I'll normally spend $100-$150 getting a bike I want and fixing it up but I set my limit at $200. Anything more than that and I'll try to trade for it so it doesn't actually cost me that much. :mrgreen:
I think this is the bike. most the specs seem right aswell. Though because i got the second one of the same model and it was loaded with upgrades i gutted it and put all that stuff on mine. so its got like full Deore XT lol

http://www.bikepedia.com/quickbike/Bike ... e3Xb43rw2A

I actualy got something neat today. I kinda wanted try try abit of downhill and mountainbiking and wanted something that would easly do it. A little trade happened and I got a start on a new project. ill post it in fresh finds since its a worthy one lol
Today a friend of mine called me up and said a friend of his was looking for a bike so I threw two bikes on my trailer and headed over there. Turns out his friend doesn't get paid till the day after tomarrow but he had this bike frame he was going to sell. I asked what he wanted for it and he said $5! :shock: I didn't have it on me but I told him I'd trade him my pocket knife for it and I'd give him a good deal on the other bike when he gets paid. So I got a nice early Dyno Detour! Serial # DH 88022559 Anybody know how to decode it for a year?

Threw some wheels on it and made it a roller.