Ya know I never checked mine? (that I can remember) I'll run down and have a peek some time this weekend. (I'll try to get to it more sooner than later. :wink: )
charliechaindrive said:Eastern frames have had lots of problems with cracking and breaking... Even aftermarket frames! That should be an easy flip though. Good scores all around!
Hsean said:I see alot of those universals here in canada. its a common older bike i com e across here. they are simuler to exclusive one and possible Favorit. GT is sweet though. old mountain bikes last a while
Hsean said:Im almost done building my specialized back up. The one I got a few weeks ago. Its got basicly the best stuff on it from when it was built. only paid $25 for both bikes to. it was a good day!! lol people think the new fancy stuff is good and don't care about older things. older ones will outlast them by alot. youll learn to live with the purple color. it grows on you! thats how I was with my nakamura when I first got it. in the end The purple was great. Yes a nakamura. most hear the name and think garbage. it must of been one of their first models that was very good.
Hsean said:Oh its around the same age of the Specialized I have. Wonder what level mine was. it had deore XT. I looked the price up on the net. I would never pay what they wanted for it back then lol. even today I wouldn't. best part about fixing bikes is you don't pay much or nothing to fix your bike. Friend asks me why im riding on a flat tire and that ill ruin rim and tire. I got a flat half way to work. I aint walking. i told him. Who cares! I got plenty of them! and i fix bikes!! lol
Thanks, I'll look again later and post it up for identification.RailRider said:I thought they were on the crank housing.![]()