While working on another small project, I used it as an opportunity to try out the Oxalic Acid method of rust removal. I must say it certainly lived up to the hype:
Small Schwinn bracket before:
The same bracket after an eight hour soak, followed by about two minutes of polishing with Mothers Metal Polish:
You can see that although there's still some visible pitting, the rust is gone with no further damage to the finish. Of course it's still up to me to straighten the bracket :roll:
*WARNING* This stuff is a chemical that requires respect. In the interest of safety, below are some material data links. READ THEM BEFORE USING THIS STUFF! And keep this stuff away from kids, pets, drunken frat boys etc.
http://www.ilo.org/public/english/prote ... sc0529.htm
http://avogadro.chem.iastate.edu/MSDS/o ... d-2H2O.htm
For further reading, VBMX has a jumbo size thread on the topic:
http://www.vintagebmx.com/cgi-bin/ultim ... 004702;p=1
Small Schwinn bracket before:

The same bracket after an eight hour soak, followed by about two minutes of polishing with Mothers Metal Polish:

You can see that although there's still some visible pitting, the rust is gone with no further damage to the finish. Of course it's still up to me to straighten the bracket :roll:
*WARNING* This stuff is a chemical that requires respect. In the interest of safety, below are some material data links. READ THEM BEFORE USING THIS STUFF! And keep this stuff away from kids, pets, drunken frat boys etc.
http://www.ilo.org/public/english/prote ... sc0529.htm
http://avogadro.chem.iastate.edu/MSDS/o ... d-2H2O.htm
For further reading, VBMX has a jumbo size thread on the topic:
http://www.vintagebmx.com/cgi-bin/ultim ... 004702;p=1